Keyword Index


  • Abolition of option A Critique and Analysis of the Viewpoint of Choice of Rad and Arsh in Option of Defect (Article 422 of the Civil Code) [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 152-177]
  • Absolut Iqab An Analytical-critical Study of Most Jurist's Viewpoints Regarding the Criteria of Iqab in Sodomy Crime [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 39-63]
  • Abstaining from an action The Validity of Assistance and Support for Abandoning Act with Emphasis on its Sinful and Punitive Aspects [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 153-177]
  • Adulterer The Impact of Non-Muslim Adulterer Expressing Being Muslim on Abolition of Hadd Punishment [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2019, Pages 31-54]
  • Adulteress’s marriage An Analysis of the Arguments of Permitting or Prohibiting Marriage to an Adulteress with an Emphasis on the Holy Qur'an [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 152-182]
  • Agent An Examination into the Reasons for Observance of Islamic Doctrines: Rul-ing, Subject, and Belonging [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2019, Pages 6-29]
  • Agent A New Exploration into Agents for Identifying the Subjects of Jurisprudential Rulings [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2019, Pages 151-172]
  • Ahlul-Bayt Jurisprudence (Shī a Fiqh) Objections on the Establishment and Utilization of Breastfeeding Banks and the Correspondent Responses from Shī a and Sunnī Fiqh Perspective. [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 130-148]
  • Air Transit A Jurisprudential Examination of the Government's Air Transit Contract [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 89-116]
  • Akhbari Approach A Comparative Analysis of the Degree of Utilization of Reason in Jurisprudence before and after the Akhbaris (with emphasis on the views of Astrābādī and Baḥrānī) [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 199-229]
  • Akhbari Thought A Comparative Analysis of the Degree of Utilization of Reason in Jurisprudence before and after the Akhbaris (with emphasis on the views of Astrābādī and Baḥrānī) [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 199-229]
  • Akl Al-māl Bil-Bātil Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 7-18]
  • Amme(Sunni) The Historic- Analytic Regard to be Preferring of Disagreement with Sunni's in Texts of Shiite`s Jurisprudence and the Reflections on It. [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 65-92]
  • Apparent Possession Testimony to Ownership Based Upon the Principle of Possession [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 57-82]
  • Appropriateness of Rulings Congruity of rulings, nature, and primal genesis as a basis for Justice in Family Law [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 71-99]
  • Arsh criterion The Jurisprudential Criterion for Determining the Arsh of a Crime [Volume 28, Issue 106, 2021, Pages 33-61]
  • Article 17 of The Iran's Family Protection Law Jurisprudential Conditions of Polygamy and Its Legal Ambiguities [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 7-35]
  • Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code An Examination of the Arguments of Hadd of Murder for a Non-Muslim Man Due to Adultery with a Muslim Woman A Jurisprudential Critique of Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Article 283 of the Islamic Penal Code The Need to Observe the Order for the Execution of Moharebeh Punishment (Review and proposing amendment to Article 283 of the Islamic Penal Code approved in 2013) [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 7-30]
  • Article 422 of the Civil Code A Critique and Analysis of the Viewpoint of Choice of Rad and Arsh in Option of Defect (Article 422 of the Civil Code) [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 152-177]
  • Article 448 of the Penal Code A Critique of the Generality of Civil Law 448 in Stipulation of Throwing Down the Waiver of Claimed Option of Inspection [Volume 28, Issue 106, 2021, Pages 84-108]
  • Article 490 of Civil Law Continuous or Immediate Contract of Renting Objects and Its Effects [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 36-64]
  • Article 713 of the Islamic Penal Code A Jurisprudential-legal Examination of Diya of Penetrating Injuries [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 152-175]
  • Articles 613 of the Islamic Civil Code An Analysis of the Jurisprudential Principles of Diya in the Simultaneity of Speech Impairment and Cutting of a Part of the Tongue (a critique of Articles 611 and 613 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 7-34]
  • Ascribing to Reservation The Historic- Analytic Regard to be Preferring of Disagreement with Sunni's in Texts of Shiite`s Jurisprudence and the Reflections on It. [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 65-92]
  • Authenticity A Research on the Intrinsic Authenticity of Certainty in Usūl al-Fiqh [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 103-130]
  • Ayatollah Brujerdi Ayatollah Borujerdi`s approach to the government foundation [Volume 22, Issue 84, , Pages 7-28]


  • Backtrack from a Confess Murderer's Criminal Liability When Confessions Contradict [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 55-74]
  • Badal al-hayloolah The Nature of Retaliation [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 75-102]
  • Barter contract An Examination of the Invalidity of Long-term Differential Contracts in the Case of Homogeneity and Non-measurability and Disproportionality of the Exchanged Items [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 7-42]
  • Belonging to khums A Jurisprudential Examination of Khums for Stock Exchange [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 34-62]
  • B.O.T Jurisprudential review of B.O.T contracts [Volume 25, Issue 95, , Pages 5-28]
  • Breast-Feeding Objections on the Establishment and Utilization of Breastfeeding Banks and the Correspondent Responses from Shī a and Sunnī Fiqh Perspective. [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 130-148]
  • Breast-Feeding Conditions Objections on the Establishment and Utilization of Breastfeeding Banks and the Correspondent Responses from Shī a and Sunnī Fiqh Perspective. [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 130-148]


  • Causeless Acquisition Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 7-18]
  • Causeless Enrichment Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 7-18]
  • Champertory The Jurisprudential Examination of the Phenomenon "Champerty" With a look at the Islamic Penal Code of Iran [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2019, Pages 27-48]
  • Changing the intention The Criteria for the Effect of Intention in Guarantee [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 64-86]
  • Check discount The Jurisprudential Examination of the Phenomenon "Champerty" With a look at the Islamic Penal Code of Iran [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2019, Pages 27-48]
  • Child Nutrition Objections on the Establishment and Utilization of Breastfeeding Banks and the Correspondent Responses from Shī a and Sunnī Fiqh Perspective. [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 130-148]
  • Clear argument The Precedence of the Document over the Testimony with the Focus on Criti-cizing the Arguments of the Opponents [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 7-38]
  • Conclusion of marriage Determination of Dowry: One Condition and Several Challenges [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2019, Pages 77-100]
  • Condition of Validity of Contract An Evaluation of Validity of the Transaction on the Platform of Information and Communication Technology With an Emphasis on the condition of succession in demand and acceptance [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 149-181]
  • Conditions of rahn A Critique of the Famous Viewpoint of Imamiyah Jurists and Civil Law on the Restrictive Conditions of Conclusion of Rahn [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 171-199]
  • Conditions of the exchanged items An Examination of the Invalidity of Long-term Differential Contracts in the Case of Homogeneity and Non-measurability and Disproportionality of the Exchanged Items [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 7-42]
  • Confess Murderer's Criminal Liability When Confessions Contradict [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 55-74]
  • Conflict The Theory of Conflict of Conditional Obligations in Legislation (A Theory in Legislation Based on Secondary Topics) [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 36-62]
  • Connotation An Analytical Study Concerning the Nature of "Connotation" from the Grand Āyatullāh Borūjerdī's Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 31-54]
  • Consultant A Jurisprudential Examination of Guarantee of Material Damage Related to the Counselor's Error in Non-benevolent Psychological Counseling [Volume 29, Issue 109, 2022, Pages 136-168]
  • Consultative Ifta Ijtihad and Consultative Ifta [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2019, Pages 116-142]
  • Continuity of marriage The Continuity of Matrimonial Bond in the Event of the Death of One of the Spouses: From Matrimonial Bond to Respect Bond [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 98-126]
  • Continuous or Immediate Continuous or Immediate Contract of Renting Objects and Its Effects [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 36-64]
  • Contract of Renting Objects Continuous or Immediate Contract of Renting Objects and Its Effects [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 36-64]
  • Contract Period Juridical Fundamentals of Job Security from a Qur’ānic Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 157-188]
  • Conversion of qisas into diya The Jurisprudential-legal Examination of Turning Qisas Nafs into Diya in Case of Execution of a Murderer with the Title of Hadd [Volume 28, Issue 106, 2021, Pages 62-83]
  • Counter-confess Murderer's Criminal Liability When Confessions Contradict [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 55-74]
  • Creditor The Nature of Retaliation [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 75-102]
  • Crime of Moharebeh A Reflection on the Punishment Selection for the Crime of 'Moharebeh' from the Perspective of the Holy Qur’an [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 137-166]
  • Crimes against individuals Determination of Diya in Crimes Leading to Spinal Cord Injury [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 35-54]
  • Crimes against physical integrity A Jurisprudential-legal Examination of Diya of Penetrating Injuries [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 152-175]
  • Criminal impairments The Effect of Recovery on Reducing the Amount of Diya of Criminal Im-pairments in Jurisprudence and Islamic Penal Code of Iran; Gaps and Chal-lenges [Volume 28, Issue 105, 2021, Pages 92-121]
  • Criminal law The Necessity of the Conditions of Reason, puberty and Couples' Being Muslim to Realize Ihsan in Adultery Hadd [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 196-223]
  • Criminal responsibility A deliberation on transfusing contaminated blood in the Islamic Criminal Jurisprudence (Feqh) [Volume 22, Issue 85, , Pages 65-88]
  • Criterion of Law A Study on Justice as Philosophy of Qur’ānic Discourses (Aiming at the Role of Justice in Ijtihād) [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 100-122]
  • Critique of the paper The Systematic Indexing of Information of Jurisprudence [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2019, Pages 129-147]
  • Customary topics An Introduction to the Use of Intellectual and Narrative Sciences in Jurisprudence in Knowing Prescribed Customary Subjects [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 183-211]


  • Death The impact of premeditated murderer death on punishment [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 45-64]
  • Debtor The Nature of Retaliation [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 75-102]
  • Deeds of The Infallible The Role of the Deeds of The Infallible in Discovering the Ruling (The Superior Istizhar) [Volume 29, Issue 109, 2022, Pages 100-135]
  • Designated Ruling Authority of the Principle of Justice Regarding Designated and Undesignated Rulings [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 49-70]
  • Dhimmah Identify the Subject of the Contract in Customary Guarantee [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 137-164]
  • Differential contract An Examination of the Invalidity of Long-term Differential Contracts in the Case of Homogeneity and Non-measurability and Disproportionality of the Exchanged Items [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 7-42]
  • Disagreement with Sunni's The Historic- Analytic Regard to be Preferring of Disagreement with Sunni's in Texts of Shiite`s Jurisprudence and the Reflections on It. [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 65-92]
  • Discretion in Punishment A Reflection on the Punishment Selection for the Crime of 'Moharebeh' from the Perspective of the Holy Qur’an [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 137-166]
  • Discrimination An Examination of the Jurisprudential Theory of the Intrinsic Filth of a Per-son Born of Illicit Intercourse [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2019, Pages 79-104]
  • Diya Determination of Diya in Crimes Leading to Spinal Cord Injury [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 35-54]
  • Diya An Analysis of the Amount of Diya for the Incision of the Two Sides of Abdo-men Divesting of the title "Ja'efatain" (two sides of abdomens) in the incision of the abdomen in criminal law [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 63-92]
  • Diya The Effect of Recovery on Reducing the Amount of Diya of Criminal Im-pairments in Jurisprudence and Islamic Penal Code of Iran; Gaps and Chal-lenges [Volume 28, Issue 105, 2021, Pages 92-121]
  • Diya An Examination of the Jurisprudential Principles of the Benefit of Hearing in People with One Hearing Ear (A study on the principles of Article 683 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 28, Issue 105, 2021, Pages 151-177]
  • Diya The Jurisprudential Criterion for Determining the Arsh of a Crime [Volume 28, Issue 106, 2021, Pages 33-61]
  • Diya of abortion Therapeutic Abortion: A Critical Examination into the Monopoly of the Mother's Satisfaction in the Absolute Abolition of Abortion Guarantees (A Critique and Proposal to the Legal Effect of the Father's Permission in the Single Article of Therapeutic Abortion) [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 224-248]
  • Dog Keeping A Jurisprudential Analysis of Keeping All Kinds of Dogs from the Perspective of Islamic Denominations [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 117-148]
  • Doubled Penalties Public enforcement of Islāmic penalties (Ḥudūd) in terms of jurisprudence and law [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 111-129]
  • Doubts about prophethood Rereading the Evidences for the Punishment of Hadd Al-Qatl (Death Penalty) in the Context of Doubt Regarding Prophethood (A Critical Reading in the Standards of Islamic Jurisprudence) [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 39-64]
  • Dowry increase Increase in Mehr (Dower) after Marriage from the Perspective of Imamia Jurisprudence [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 126-152]
  • Drawing Lots The Proportion of the "Principle of Justice" to the Other Principles [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 151-172]


  • E-Contracts Juridical Doubt-ology And Primitive Principle Regarding Electronic Contracts [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 7-30]
  • Effects Effects and Rulings of Returning to the Property after Ignoring in Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 158-183]
  • Electronic contract A Jurisprudential Examination of Writing an Electronic Sale without the Words of Demand and Acceptance [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 35-62]
  • Electronic contract The Jurisprudential and Legal Electronic Dissolution [Volume 28, Issue 105, 2021, Pages 7-36]
  • Endowment uses Feasibility of Extending the Use of Endowments in Specific Waqfs based on Customary Practice or Waqf Abandonment [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 178-201]
  • Enjoining What is Right and Forbidding What is Wrong The Intellectual and Rational Explanation of "Enjoining What is Right and Forbidding What is Wrong" [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 101-124]
  • Equality of place An Examination of the Jurisprudential Documents on the Condition of Equal-ity of Place in Qisas of Tooth [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 39-59]
  • Essential A Research on the Intrinsic Authenticity of Certainty in Usūl al-Fiqh [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 103-130]
  • E-Trades Juridical Doubt-ology And Primitive Principle Regarding Electronic Contracts [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 7-30]
  • Exceptions to precaution Exceptions to Precaution in Tawasoli Rulings [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 93-125]
  • Execution of Ḥadd Public enforcement of Islāmic penalties (Ḥudūd) in terms of jurisprudence and law [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 111-129]
  • Execution of Justice Jurisprudential Conditions of Polygamy and Its Legal Ambiguities [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 7-35]
  • Expansion of Proscription Objections on the Establishment and Utilization of Breastfeeding Banks and the Correspondent Responses from Shī a and Sunnī Fiqh Perspective. [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 130-148]
  • Expediency of obligation An Examination of the Position of "Expediency" in the Jurisprudence of Re-ligions with the Approach of Resolving Conflicting Interests in the Principle of Task [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 112-140]
  • Expiation The Governmental Jurisprudence Approach to Expiation of Deliberate Murder and Its Attainment Order from the Islamic Government after the Murderer's Retaliation or Death [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2019, Pages 73-94]
  • Expropriator The Nature of Retaliation [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 75-102]


  • Facing Space A Jurisprudential Examination of the Government's Air Transit Contract [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 89-116]
  • Fasting of the elderly An Analytical Examination of the Legitimacy or Invalidity of Fasting for the Elderly in Cases of Hardship and Difficulty [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 71-103]
  • Feyz Kashani Studying the impact of Sunni -Sufi ghena (prohibited music) on Feyz Kashani and Mohaqqeq Sabzevari [Volume 22, Issue 85, , Pages 143-166]
  • Financial rights Inheritable Financial Rights in Imamiyah Jurisprudence and Iranian Law [Volume 29, Issue 109, 2022, Pages 169-198]
  • Fiqh The Need for Ontology of Fiqh to Manage Jurisprudential Information in Digital Space [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 28-56]
  • Fiqh A Jurisprudential Study of the Right to Have Peace with Emphasis on the Verses of the Holy Qur'an [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 68-97]
  • Fiqh classification Reviewing the structure of jurisprudence related to contemporary requirements [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 112-150]
  • Fiqh division Reviewing the structure of jurisprudence related to contemporary requirements [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 112-150]
  • First-degree murder The Critique and Examination of Most Jurists Viewpoints on Fulfillment of First-degree Murder [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 103-127]
  • Foreign exchange market Jurisprudential review of forex trading transactions [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 65-97]
  • Foreskin An Analytical-critical Study of Most Jurist's Viewpoints Regarding the Criteria of Iqab in Sodomy Crime [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 39-63]
  • Fraud The Proportion of the "Principle of Justice" to the Other Principles [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 151-172]
  • French-Iranian Legal Systems Comparative Study Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 7-18]
  • Fungible Property A Study of the Validity of the Sale of an Uncertain Unit of a Fungible Property (A Jurisprudential and Legal Analysis) [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 70-97]
  • Future generations A Jurisprudential and Legal Study of Justice as the Basis of the Rights of Fu-ture Generations [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 60-88]
  • Futures Contracts A Jurisprudential Subject Study of Tomorrow's Contracts [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 159-188]
  • Futures trading A Jurisprudential Subject Study of Tomorrow's Contracts [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 159-188]


  • Ghali Prohibition of backbiting the opponent of the Imami Shiite [Volume 23, Issue 88, , Pages 111-134]
  • Gha-rar Determination of Dowry: One Condition and Several Challenges [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2019, Pages 77-100]
  • Ghasm and Alimony Jurisprudential Conditions of Polygamy and Its Legal Ambiguities [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 7-35]
  • Ghazali Studying the impact of Sunni -Sufi ghena (prohibited music) on Feyz Kashani and Mohaqqeq Sabzevari [Volume 22, Issue 85, , Pages 143-166]
  • Goal of Shariʿah A Study on Justice as Philosophy of Qur’ānic Discourses (Aiming at the Role of Justice in Ijtihād) [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 100-122]
  • Guarantee A new view on the nature of guarantee contract in the light of concept and aim of its legalization [Volume 22, Issue 85, , Pages 37-64]
  • Guarantee A Feasibility Study of Guarantee of Material Property (Material Things) in Iranian Jurisprudence and Law [Volume 28, Issue 106, 2021, Pages 109-135]
  • Guarantee A Jurisprudential Study of the Guarantee Resulting from the Victim's Refusal of Treatment [Volume 28, Issue 107, 2021, Pages 39-63]
  • Guarantee Civil Liability Resulting from Reluctance Based on the Perspective of Iranian Jurisprudence and Law: With Emphasis on Civil Law and Civil Liability Law [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 166-195]
  • Guarantee A Jurisprudential Examination of Guarantee of Material Damage Related to the Counselor's Error in Non-benevolent Psychological Counseling [Volume 29, Issue 109, 2022, Pages 136-168]
  • Guarantee The Rule of Al-Idn Al- Shar'ei La Yunafi Al-Diman [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 40-71]
  • Guarantee A Re-examination of the Fate of Guarantees after Transfer of Obligation in Imamiyah Jurisprudence and Iranian Law With an Emphasis on articles 292 and 293 of the Civil Code [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 89-117]
  • Guarantee for what is not obligatory A Jurisprudential Examination of Security Deposits for Future Debts [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 104-136]
  • Guard Dogs A Jurisprudential Analysis of Keeping All Kinds of Dogs from the Perspective of Islamic Denominations [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 117-148]
  • Guardian of the permission The Guardian of Permission in Treatment [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 6-34]
  • Guiding the Ignorant The Jurisprudential Review of the Third Testimony in Azan And Iqamah, Fo-cusing on its Slogan Aspect [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 149-172]


  • Hadd The Impact of Non-Muslim Adulterer Expressing Being Muslim on Abolition of Hadd Punishment [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2019, Pages 31-54]
  • Hadd crimes An Examination of the Adequacy of a Single Confession in Proving the Hadd Crimes for Qiadat, Qazf, Drinking Alcohol, and Theft [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 98-136]
  • Hadd of sodomy An Analytical-critical Study of Most Jurist's Viewpoints Regarding the Criteria of Iqab in Sodomy Crime [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 39-63]
  • Ha’id The Image of Presence of a Woman Next to the Muhtadar as Makruh [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 165-189]
  • Halabi`s sahiha Analysis and critique of the implication of the hadith "fi rajol ista`jara aji-ran" on the trustee`s non guaranty [Volume 25, Issue 95, , Pages 133-158]
  • Haram doubts An Evaluation of Precautionary Arguments with the Approach of Permitting Artificial Insemination in a Surrogate Uterus [Volume 28, Issue 107, 2021, Pages 178-199]
  • Hardship and Difficulty The Validation of the Fear of Difficulty in the Permission of Abortion Therapy [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 72-97]
  • Hearing An Examination of the Jurisprudential Principles of the Benefit of Hearing in People with One Hearing Ear (A study on the principles of Article 683 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 28, Issue 105, 2021, Pages 151-177]
  • Hesbiyah affairs.  Denying the Necessity of Maintaining the Political System with Its Legitimacy [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 93-121]
  • Hisham narration An Examination of the Jurisprudential Principles of the Benefit of Hearing in People with One Hearing Ear (A study on the principles of Article 683 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 28, Issue 105, 2021, Pages 151-177]
  • Holy shrines An Examination of the Reason Studies of Specific Qur'anic Arguments and the Legitimacy of the Establishment of Holy Shrines [Volume 28, Issue 107, 2021, Pages 94-120]
  • Housing Repair A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]
  • Hunting Dogs A Jurisprudential Analysis of Keeping All Kinds of Dogs from the Perspective of Islamic Denominations [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 117-148]
  • Hurmat of marriage An Analysis of the Arguments of Permitting or Prohibiting Marriage to an Adulteress with an Emphasis on the Holy Qur'an [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 152-182]


  • Identification of the Subject The Role of the Infallible in Determining the Subjects of Rulings [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 83-110]
  • Ihsan The Necessity of the Conditions of Reason, puberty and Couples' Being Muslim to Realize Ihsan in Adultery Hadd [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 196-223]
  • Ijtehad (Islamic legal reasoning) Methodology of analyzing the words in the jurisprudential inference process: An algorithm or step-by-step method of finding the words` meaning in an evidence [Volume 23, Issue 88, , Pages 31-62]
  • Ijtihad The Role of the Infallible in Determining the Subjects of Rulings [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 83-110]
  • Ijtihad An Examination and Critique of Theory of Compliance from Wahhabism Perspective [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2019, Pages 148-164]
  • Ijtihad of a judge The Criteria for Appointment of a Non-mujtahid Judge Based on Secondary Titles of Expediency and Urgency [Volume 28, Issue 106, 2021, Pages 166-193]
  • Ijtihad Taqlid An Examination of Idealism and Realism From the series of papers on conflict and disagreement in Islamic jurisprudence [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 55-80]
  • Imamiyah ju-risprudence The Feasibility of Marriage Annulment Due to Wife's Adultery from the viewpoint of Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2019, Pages 30-51]
  • Imamiyah jurisprudence The Ruling of Shaking Hands with Female Non-Muslim Foreigners in the Arena of International Ceremonies [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 114-136]
  • Imamiyyah Usul The Review of the Distinctions between the Jurisprudential Rule and the Rule of Usul in Imamiyyah and Sunni Usul [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 125-150]
  • Incontrovertibility A Research on the Intrinsic Authenticity of Certainty in Usūl al-Fiqh [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 103-130]
  • Indication of Act An Analytical Study Concerning the Nature of "Connotation" from the Grand Āyatullāh Borūjerdī's Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 31-54]
  • Individual ijtihad Ijtihad and Consultative Ifta [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2019, Pages 116-142]
  • Inefficiency The Effective Role of the Religious Ruling in the Inference of Social Rulings [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 7-35]
  • Inequity Authority of the Principle of Justice Regarding Designated and Undesignated Rulings [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 49-70]
  • Inference The Role of the Infallible in Determining the Subjects of Rulings [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 83-110]
  • Inference The Role of the Narrator's Question in Extracting Irtikazat, Sirehs and Its Effect in Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 184-217]
  • Insufficiency of Rational Judgment A Comparative Analysis of the Degree of Utilization of Reason in Jurisprudence before and after the Akhbaris (with emphasis on the views of Astrābādī and Baḥrānī) [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 199-229]
  • Intelligence-Security services An analysis of entrance to the privacy for the intelligence-security activities in the framework of the jurisprudential principles and rules [Volume 21, Issue 82, , Pages 33-56]
  • Intentional Crimes A Jurisprudential Study of the Guarantee Resulting from the Victim's Refusal of Treatment [Volume 28, Issue 107, 2021, Pages 39-63]
  • Interest Explaining the Concept of Loan Interest and Usury, with Emphasis on Juris-prudential Analysis of "Extreme" [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2019, Pages 6-30]
  • International Relations A New Look on the Purport of the "No Way Principle"; and Examining Its Connection to the Principle of Justice in the International Relations [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 123-150]
  • Internet Transactions An Evaluation of Validity of the Transaction on the Platform of Information and Communication Technology With an Emphasis on the condition of succession in demand and acceptance [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 149-181]
  • Intrinsic filth An Examination of the Jurisprudential Theory of the Intrinsic Filth of a Per-son Born of Illicit Intercourse [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2019, Pages 79-104]
  • Iqra' An Examination of Jurisprudential Principle of Deceiving the Uninformed Person as Harram [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2019, Pages 101-126]
  • Isalat al-Ihtiyat An Evaluation of Precautionary Arguments with the Approach of Permitting Artificial Insemination in a Surrogate Uterus [Volume 28, Issue 107, 2021, Pages 178-199]
  • Islam The Impact of Non-Muslim Adulterer Expressing Being Muslim on Abolition of Hadd Punishment [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2019, Pages 31-54]
  • Islamic banking system Compensation of Loss of Prospective Profits Caused by Payment Delay in the Banking System [Volume 25, Issue 94, , Pages 33-62]
  • Islāmic Canon Law The Role of Justice in Legislation in Islāmic State [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 19-48]
  • Islamic government Studying the decree about government behavior in collecting data from personal privacy of people [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 21-44]
  • Islamic government A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Scope of the Islamic Government Guardi-anship in the Nomination and Dismissal of the Guardian in Waqf Institution [Volume 28, Issue 106, 2021, Pages 7-32]
  • Islamic governor Bringing an action versus the Islamic state and governor and jurisdiction of trial court over it [Volume 22, Issue 86, , Pages 7-32]
  • Islamic judgment An Examination of Idealism and Realism From the series of papers on conflict and disagreement in Islamic jurisprudence [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 55-80]
  • Islamic jurispru-dence Jurisprudential Analysis for the Foundations of Civil Liability of Organiza-tions Supervising Products Safety Due to the Advent of New Technologies [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 81-102]
  • Islamic jurisprudence An Examination of Idealism and Realism From the series of papers on conflict and disagreement in Islamic jurisprudence [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 55-80]
  • Islamic jurisprudence The Jurisprudential and Legal Electronic Dissolution [Volume 28, Issue 105, 2021, Pages 7-36]
  • Islamic jurisprudence The Role of the Narrator's Question in Extracting Irtikazat, Sirehs and Its Effect in Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 184-217]
  • Islamic jurist An Examination of Jurist Guardianship in Issuing a Ruling to Prove the Crescent Sighting and Analyzing the Extent of the Ruling's Influence among the Accountable People [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 7-38]
  • Islamic Penal Code An Analysis of the Amount of Diya for the Incision of the Two Sides of Abdo-men Divesting of the title "Ja'efatain" (two sides of abdomens) in the incision of the abdomen in criminal law [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 63-92]
  • Islamic political economy Considering and analyzing the foundations of legality of policy -making in Islamic economy [Volume 25, Issue 93, , Pages 33-60]
  • Islamic punishment Unchangeable hodud (determined corporal punishment) in Islam [Volume 24, Issue 90, , Pages 71-98]
  • Islamic pun-ishment Code Conflict of istiṣḥāb and dar` rule in criminal jurisprudence and Islamic Pun-ishment Code 2014 [Volume 25, Issue 95, , Pages 108-132]
  • Islamic punishments code Application of Dar` rule in Hodud crimes [Volume 22, Issue 86, , Pages 93-112]
  • Islamic state Bringing an action versus the Islamic state and governor and jurisdiction of trial court over it [Volume 22, Issue 86, , Pages 7-32]
  • Istifa A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Nature of the Transaction in the Provision of Services Based on Information Technology [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Istihsan An Examination of the Position of "Expediency" in the Jurisprudence of Re-ligions with the Approach of Resolving Conflicting Interests in the Principle of Task [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 112-140]
  • Iza' al-Mu'min An Examination and Critique of Makhtouba Proposal as Being Haram in Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 7-39]
  • Izlal An Examination of Jurisprudential Principle of Deceiving the Uninformed Person as Harram [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2019, Pages 101-126]


  • Ja'efeh An Analysis of the Amount of Diya for the Incision of the Two Sides of Abdo-men Divesting of the title "Ja'efatain" (two sides of abdomens) in the incision of the abdomen in criminal law [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 63-92]
  • Jahil An Examination of Jurisprudential Principle of Deceiving the Uninformed Person as Harram [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2019, Pages 101-126]
  • Je'aleh A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Nature of the Transaction in the Provision of Services Based on Information Technology [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Je'aleh The Compliance Evaluation of Cryptocurrency Mining with Je'aleh [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 65-96]
  • Je'aleh A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]
  • Je'aleh loan A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]
  • Jo'al A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]
  • Job security Juridical Fundamentals of Job Security from a Qur’ānic Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 157-188]
  • Judgment Bringing an action versus the Islamic state and governor and jurisdiction of trial court over it [Volume 22, Issue 86, , Pages 7-32]
  • Judgment The Employment of Unqualified Judges and Scope of Their Powers [Volume 28, Issue 105, 2021, Pages 66-91]
  • Junub The Image of Presence of a Woman Next to the Muhtadar as Makruh [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 165-189]
  • Juridical foundations Juridical Fundamentals of Job Security from a Qur’ānic Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 157-188]
  • Jurisprudence of holy shrines Jurisprudence of Social Relations of the Holy Shrines (Problemology, legal personality and the difference between rulings in legitimate and illegitimate governments) [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 97-126]
  • Jurisprudence Structure The Need for Ontology of Fiqh to Manage Jurisprudential Information in Digital Space [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 28-56]
  • Jurisprudence Structure The What, Why and How of Medical Jurisprudence [Volume 28, Issue 105, 2021, Pages 178-205]
  • Jurisprudential Characteristics The Characteristics of the Jurisprudential Method of Allameh Kashif al-Ghita [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 65-88]
  • Jurisprudential Information Management The Need for Ontology of Fiqh to Manage Jurisprudential Information in Digital Space [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 28-56]
  • Jurisprudential Method The Characteristics of the Jurisprudential Method of Allameh Kashif al-Ghita [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 65-88]
  • Jurisprudential Subjectology An Analysis of the Causes of the Differences of Jurists’ Viewpoints in Jurisprudential Subjectology with an Emphasis on the Issue of Absence [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 87-120]
  • Justice The role of justice in the first and second inference process [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 3-20]
  • Justice The Role of Justice in Legislation in Islāmic State [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 19-48]
  • Justice Authority of the Principle of Justice Regarding Designated and Undesignated Rulings [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 49-70]
  • Justice Congruity of rulings, nature, and primal genesis as a basis for Justice in Family Law [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 71-99]
  • Justice A Study on Justice as Philosophy of Qur’ānic Discourses (Aiming at the Role of Justice in Ijtihād) [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 100-122]
  • Justice A New Look on the Purport of the "No Way Principle"; and Examining Its Connection to the Principle of Justice in the International Relations [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 123-150]
  • Justice The Proportion of the "Principle of Justice" to the Other Principles [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 151-172]
  • Justice An Examination of the Jurisprudential Theory of the Intrinsic Filth of a Per-son Born of Illicit Intercourse [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2019, Pages 79-104]
  • Justice and Equity The Proportion of the "Principle of Justice" to the Other Principles [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 151-172]
  • Justice Principle A Study on Justice as Philosophy of Qur’ānic Discourses (Aiming at the Role of Justice in Ijtihād) [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 100-122]
  • Justifiability A Research on the Intrinsic Authenticity of Certainty in Usūl al-Fiqh [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 103-130]


  • Ka`ba Reviewing jurisprudential precept (hokm) of constructing the taller buildings than Ka`ba around it [Volume 23, Issue 88, , Pages 135-158]
  • Kashif al-Ghita The Characteristics of the Jurisprudential Method of Allameh Kashif al-Ghita [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 65-88]
  • Khoms Khoms (one fifth) of capital and companies` incomes [Volume 22, Issue 86, , Pages 63-92]
  • Khums A Critique of the Rational and Theoretical Arguments of the Obligation of Khums in the Price Increase Caused by the Abnormal Decrease in the Value of the National Currency [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 127-151]


  • La zarar The Domain of the Obligation of the Husband to Divorce in the Fiqh of Islamic Denominations [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 185-214]
  • Lease contract The Authority of Loss Occurring in the Lease Contract [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 122-144]
  • Liability Convention Feasibility Study of Civil Liability in Losses of Space Debris [Volume 29, Issue 109, 2022, Pages 34-69]


  • Mabtun and Maslus A Critical Analysis of the Ruling of Maslus and Mabtun Purity during Saying Prayer [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 98-130]
  • Mabtun Prayer A Critical Analysis of the Ruling of Maslus and Mabtun Purity during Saying Prayer [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 98-130]
  • Mahramiat An Examination of the Validity of Temporary Marriage with the Intention of Being Mahram with a Third Person [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 126-151]
  • Maintaining the system Denying the Necessity of Maintaining the Political System with Its Legitimacy [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 93-121]
  • Makhtoubah An Examination and Critique of Makhtouba Proposal as Being Haram in Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 7-39]
  • Making Medicine A Jurisprudential Examination of the Permissibility of Making Medicine from the Amputated Body Organ of a Muslim Dead Body [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 182-211]
  • Ma-la-Yadon–le-Ahaden-Alayh claimant The Validity of the Unopposed Claimant without Authority and Its Application from the Perspective of Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 28, Issue 107, 2021, Pages 7-38]
  • Marhouneh property A Critique of the Famous Viewpoint of Imamiyah Jurists and Civil Law on the Restrictive Conditions of Conclusion of Rahn [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 171-199]
  • Mawqufon Alayh An Examination of the Legitimacy of the Terminated Endowment and the Fate of the Endowed Property after the death of the Endowment Owners [Volume 28, Issue 107, 2021, Pages 121-149]
  • Medicinal Use A Jurisprudential Examination of the Permissibility of Making Medicine from the Amputated Body Organ of a Muslim Dead Body [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 182-211]
  • Medicine The What, Why and How of Medical Jurisprudence [Volume 28, Issue 105, 2021, Pages 178-205]
  • Medicine A Jurisprudential Examination of the Permissibility of Making Medicine from the Amputated Body Organ of a Muslim Dead Body [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 182-211]
  • Mercifulness Essence of Clearance Jurisprudential Adaptations of the Condition of "Being in Agreement With Grace" Upon the Implementation of the Principle of "Religious Clearance" (al-Barā’a al-Shar‘īyya) [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 6-27]
  • MetaVerse platform Forbidding and Expanding the Principle of "Loss of Goods before Delivery" with the Approach of Buying in the Metaverse Space [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 40-69]
  • Mining The Compliance Evaluation of Cryptocurrency Mining with Je'aleh [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 65-96]
  • Mirdamad jurisprudence Jurisprudential Mutafaridat of Mirdamad [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 200-227]
  • Model of Subject studies A Comprehensive Model for Jurisprudential Subject Studies in Novel Issues [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 167-198]
  • Mohaghegh Khoi An Examination of the Adequacy of a Single Confession in Proving the Hadd Crimes for Qiadat, Qazf, Drinking Alcohol, and Theft [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 98-136]
  • Mohaqqeq Sabzevari Studying the impact of Sunni -Sufi ghena (prohibited music) on Feyz Kashani and Mohaqqeq Sabzevari [Volume 22, Issue 85, , Pages 143-166]
  • Mohareb The Need to Observe the Order for the Execution of Moharebeh Punishment (Review and proposing amendment to Article 283 of the Islamic Penal Code approved in 2013) [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 7-30]
  • Mokalaf An Examination into the Reasons for Observance of Islamic Doctrines: Rul-ing, Subject, and Belonging [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2019, Pages 6-29]
  • Mokalaf A New Exploration into Agents for Identifying the Subjects of Jurisprudential Rulings [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2019, Pages 151-172]
  • Monetary exchanges Jurisprudential evaluating validity of conditions for cash sale in the monetary exchanges including currency and none - currency [Volume 22, Issue 86, , Pages 139-166]
  • Moqaddas Ardebili Development of taqiyyah theory in the Islamic jurisprudence since the period of Shaikh Tusi through Moqaddas Ardabili: divertion from cognitive method to thematic one [Volume 21, Issue 82, , Pages 95-110]
  • Most jurists An Examination of Jurisprudential Challenges of Most Jurists' Viewpoint Regarding the Inauthenticity of Women as the Secondary Witness [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 63-88]
  • Mothers' Milk Bank Objections on the Establishment and Utilization of Breastfeeding Banks and the Correspondent Responses from Shī a and Sunnī Fiqh Perspective. [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 130-148]
  • Muhaqqiq al-Hilli A Study of the Historical Formation of New Corollaries in Shiite Advanced Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 83-100]
  • Muharabah (waging war against the Islamic state) The Opinion of Experts with Regard to the Amputation of a Paralyzed Hand in Case of Retaliation as Compared to Muharabah and Theft (with Emphasis on Sahib Javaher's Dissenting Viewpoint) [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 157-184]
  • Muhtadar The Image of Presence of a Woman Next to the Muhtadar as Makruh [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 165-189]
  • Mukrah Civil Liability Resulting from Reluctance Based on the Perspective of Iranian Jurisprudence and Law: With Emphasis on Civil Law and Civil Liability Law [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 166-195]
  • Mukrih Civil Liability Resulting from Reluctance Based on the Perspective of Iranian Jurisprudence and Law: With Emphasis on Civil Law and Civil Liability Law [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 166-195]
  • Mu’lane adulteress An Analysis of the Arguments of Permitting or Prohibiting Marriage to an Adulteress with an Emphasis on the Holy Qur'an [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 152-182]
  • Murder A contemplation on punishing recidivism of filicide based on Imamate jurisprudence`s capacities [Volume 24, Issue 90, , Pages 153-174]
  • Murder An Examination of the Arguments of Hadd of Murder for a Non-Muslim Man Due to Adultery with a Muslim Woman A Jurisprudential Critique of Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Murderer's retaliation The Governmental Jurisprudence Approach to Expiation of Deliberate Murder and Its Attainment Order from the Islamic Government after the Murderer's Retaliation or Death [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2019, Pages 73-94]
  • Murtad Fitri An Investigation in the Sufficiency of Being Muslim for One of the Parents of Murtad Fitri [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 31-50]
  • Muslim and forbidden Studying and criticism:Considerable viewpoints on backbiting the opponent [Volume 22, Issue 85, , Pages 89-118]
  • Muslim Dead Body A Jurisprudential Examination of the Permissibility of Making Medicine from the Amputated Body Organ of a Muslim Dead Body [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 182-211]
  • Mutafaradat of Mirdamad Jurisprudential Mutafaridat of Mirdamad [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 200-227]


  • Narrator's question The Role of the Narrator's Question in Extracting Irtikazat, Sirehs and Its Effect in Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 184-217]
  • Narrow Interpretation Public enforcement of Islāmic penalties (Ḥudūd) in terms of jurisprudence and law [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 111-129]
  • Nasebi Prohibition of backbiting the opponent of the Imami Shiite [Volume 23, Issue 88, , Pages 111-134]
  • Nature and Primal Genesis Congruity of rulings, nature, and primal genesis as a basis for Justice in Family Law [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 71-99]
  • New technologies Jurisprudential Analysis for the Foundations of Civil Liability of Organiza-tions Supervising Products Safety Due to the Advent of New Technologies [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 81-102]
  • No Harm The Proportion of the "Principle of Justice" to the Other Principles [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 151-172]
  • Non-Devotional Laws A Study on Justice as Philosophy of Qur’ānic Discourses (Aiming at the Role of Justice in Ijtihād) [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 100-122]
  • Non-Muslim adultery An Examination of the Arguments of Hadd of Murder for a Non-Muslim Man Due to Adultery with a Muslim Woman A Jurisprudential Critique of Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • No Way Principle A New Look on the Purport of the "No Way Principle"; and Examining Its Connection to the Principle of Justice in the International Relations [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 123-150]


  • Objective The Role of Jurisprudence in Explaining the Methods of Rulings Enforce-ment [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2019, Pages 105-128]
  • Obligation for Mabtun A Critical Analysis of the Ruling of Maslus and Mabtun Purity during Saying Prayer [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 98-130]
  • One-third of the diya A Critique and Analysis of the Jurisprudential Principles of the Recent Sec-tion of Article 662 of the Islamic Penal Code on "the Diya of Penis of an Im-potent Person" [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 89-111]
  • Ontology of Fiqh The Need for Ontology of Fiqh to Manage Jurisprudential Information in Digital Space [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 28-56]
  • Opposite Faith Opposing Religious Brotherhood in Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 176-205]
  • Opposition of Traditions The Historic- Analytic Regard to be Preferring of Disagreement with Sunni's in Texts of Shiite`s Jurisprudence and the Reflections on It. [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 65-92]
  • Oppression The Role of Justice in Legislation in Islāmic State [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 19-48]
  • Option of defect A Critique and Analysis of the Viewpoint of Choice of Rad and Arsh in Option of Defect (Article 422 of the Civil Code) [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 152-177]


  • Parallel Je'aleh A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]
  • Partial Purity A Critical Analysis of the Ruling of Maslus and Mabtun Purity during Saying Prayer [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 98-130]
  • Partnership Explaining the theory of "The Necessity of Timed Partnership" With an emphasis on Some Fatwas of Contemporary Jurists [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2019, Pages 49-72]
  • Penal Code An Examination of the Jurisprudential Documents on the Condition of Equal-ity of Place in Qisas of Tooth [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 39-59]
  • Penal Code A Critique and Analysis of the Jurisprudential Principles of the Recent Sec-tion of Article 662 of the Islamic Penal Code on "the Diya of Penis of an Im-potent Person" [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 89-111]
  • Permissible contract Explaining the theory of "The Necessity of Timed Partnership" With an emphasis on Some Fatwas of Contemporary Jurists [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2019, Pages 49-72]
  • Philosophy of Fiqh The Role of the Infallible in Determining the Subjects of Rulings [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 83-110]
  • Philosophy of jurisprudence An Introduction to the Use of Intellectual and Narrative Sciences in Jurisprudence in Knowing Prescribed Customary Subjects [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 183-211]
  • Philosophy of Law A Study on Justice as Philosophy of Qur’ānic Discourses (Aiming at the Role of Justice in Ijtihād) [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 100-122]
  • Political System Denying the Necessity of Maintaining the Political System with Its Legitimacy [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 93-121]
  • Possession or Covenant Continuous or Immediate Contract of Renting Objects and Its Effects [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 36-64]
  • Pre-contractual condition The Possibility of Stipulating the Termination of Option before Contract in Imamiya Jurisprudence and Iranian Law [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 131-158]
  • Pregnancy An Analysis of the Extent of the Prohibition of Retaliation against Pregnant Women from the Perspective of Criminal Law and Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 28, Issue 106, 2021, Pages 136-165]
  • Presentivity A Research on the Intrinsic Authenticity of Certainty in Usūl al-Fiqh [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 103-130]
  • Principle of Clearance Jurisprudential Adaptations of the Condition of "Being in Agreement With Grace" Upon the Implementation of the Principle of "Religious Clearance" (al-Barā’a al-Shar‘īyya) [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 6-27]
  • Principle of intention The Principle of Intention and Its Scope [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 7-35]
  • Principle of Justice Authority of the Principle of Justice Regarding Designated and Undesignated Rulings [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 49-70]
  • Principle of no Harm The Feasibility of Marriage Annulment Due to Wife's Adultery from the viewpoint of Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2019, Pages 30-51]
  • Principles and rules of jurisprudence An analysis of entrance to the privacy for the intelligence-security activities in the framework of the jurisprudential principles and rules [Volume 21, Issue 82, , Pages 33-56]
  • Promissory note sale The Jurisprudential Examination of the Phenomenon "Champerty" With a look at the Islamic Penal Code of Iran [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2019, Pages 27-48]
  • Proportional change A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Impurity of Kur and Qalil Water Based on Proportional Rules Aligned with the Theory of Proportionality Revolution [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 7-38]
  • Proportionality of Crime and Punishment A Reflection on the Punishment Selection for the Crime of 'Moharebeh' from the Perspective of the Holy Qur’an [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 137-166]
  • Proposal An Examination and Critique of Makhtouba Proposal as Being Haram in Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 7-39]
  • Public property A Jurisprudential Examination of the Government's Air Transit Contract [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 89-116]
  • Punishment of apostasy Punishment of Apostasy, Confrontation with Conspirators Against the Cohesion of Islamic Society or the Restriction of Freedom of Speech [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 181-209]
  • Punishment of Moharebin A Reflection on the Punishment Selection for the Crime of 'Moharebeh' from the Perspective of the Holy Qur’an [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 137-166]
  • Punishment of Qazf A Jurisprudential Examination on the Possibility of Mother's Exemption from Qazf by Looking at the Generalization of Arguments [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 128-144]


  • Qisas A Jurisprudential Study of the Guarantee Resulting from the Victim's Refusal of Treatment [Volume 28, Issue 107, 2021, Pages 39-63]
  • Qisas conditions The Time of Validity of the Religion Equality of the Killer and the Victim for the Implementation of Qisas (Retribution); With an Emphasis on the Uncommon Viewpoint of Sahib al-Jawahir and the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 43-70]
  • Qisas of teeth An Examination of the Jurisprudential Documents on the Condition of Equal-ity of Place in Qisas of Tooth [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 39-59]
  • Qur’ān Juridical Fundamentals of Job Security from a Qur’ānic Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 157-188]


  • Realism An Examination of Idealism and Realism From the series of papers on conflict and disagreement in Islamic jurisprudence [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 55-80]
  • Recourse from termination A Jurisprudential and Legal Study of the Feasibility of Referring to and Deviating (Udoul) from the Contract Termination [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 7-39]
  • Religion A Feasibility Study of Guarantee of Material Property (Material Things) in Iranian Jurisprudence and Law [Volume 28, Issue 106, 2021, Pages 109-135]
  • Religious Clearance Jurisprudential Adaptations of the Condition of "Being in Agreement With Grace" Upon the Implementation of the Principle of "Religious Clearance" (al-Barā’a al-Shar‘īyya) [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 6-27]
  • Religious Penalties Public enforcement of Islāmic penalties (Ḥudūd) in terms of jurisprudence and law [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 111-129]
  • Religious permission The Rule of Al-Idn Al- Shar'ei La Yunafi Al-Diman [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 40-71]
  • Religious slogan The Jurisprudential Review of the Third Testimony in Azan And Iqamah, Fo-cusing on its Slogan Aspect [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 149-172]
  • Reluctance Civil Liability Resulting from Reluctance Based on the Perspective of Iranian Jurisprudence and Law: With Emphasis on Civil Law and Civil Liability Law [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 166-195]
  • Representation Je'aleh A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]
  • Respect For the Dead A Jurisprudential Examination of the Permissibility of Making Medicine from the Amputated Body Organ of a Muslim Dead Body [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 182-211]
  • Revealability A Research on the Intrinsic Authenticity of Certainty in Usūl al-Fiqh [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 103-130]
  • Reversion of previous clearance seizures The Effect of Reversion of the Patient's Prior Permission on the Assumption of Proving and Denying the Doctor's Responsibility [Volume 28, Issue 107, 2021, Pages 64-93]
  • Right Jurisprudential - legal review of foundation and nature of harim (privacy) [Volume 24, Issue 91, , Pages 109-130]
  • Rights of Defendant Public enforcement of Islāmic penalties (Ḥudūd) in terms of jurisprudence and law [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 111-129]
  • Right to imprisonment The Jurisprudential-legal Nature of the Right to Imprisonment in Contracts with a View to International Documents [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 137-165]
  • Road Construction Loan A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]
  • Rule of wasting (Itlāf) The Criterion and Standard of Wasting (Itlāf) [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 36-62]
  • Ruling on Partial Impurity A Critical Analysis of the Ruling of Maslus and Mabtun Purity during Saying Prayer [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 98-130]
  • Rulings of Dogs A Jurisprudential Analysis of Keeping All Kinds of Dogs from the Perspective of Islamic Denominations [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 117-148]
  • Rulings of Grace Jurisprudential Adaptations of the Condition of "Being in Agreement With Grace" Upon the Implementation of the Principle of "Religious Clearance" (al-Barā’a al-Shar‘īyya) [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 6-27]


  • Security deposit A Jurisprudential Examination of Security Deposits for Future Debts [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 104-136]
  • Services in information technology A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Nature of the Transaction in the Provision of Services Based on Information Technology [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Seven Sleepers An Examination of the Reason Studies of Specific Qur'anic Arguments and the Legitimacy of the Establishment of Holy Shrines [Volume 28, Issue 107, 2021, Pages 94-120]
  • Severed Body Parts A Jurisprudential Examination of the Permissibility of Making Medicine from the Amputated Body Organ of a Muslim Dead Body [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 182-211]
  • Shaikh Tousi an assumption about the consideration of Taqiyyah by Shaikh Tusi [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 93-111]
  • Shaikh Tousi Development of taqiyyah theory in the Islamic jurisprudence since the period of Shaikh Tusi through Moqaddas Ardabili: divertion from cognitive method to thematic one [Volume 21, Issue 82, , Pages 95-110]
  • Shaikh Tusi A Study of the Historical Formation of New Corollaries in Shiite Advanced Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 83-100]
  • Shar ī Penalties Public enforcement of Islāmic penalties (Ḥudūd) in terms of jurisprudence and law [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 111-129]
  • Shiite Development of taqiyyah theory in the Islamic jurisprudence since the period of Shaikh Tusi through Moqaddas Ardabili: divertion from cognitive method to thematic one [Volume 21, Issue 82, , Pages 95-110]
  • Shiite jurisprudence an assumption about the consideration of Taqiyyah by Shaikh Tusi [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 93-111]
  • Shiite jurisprudence A Study of the Historical Formation of New Corollaries in Shiite Advanced Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 83-100]
  • Shiite tradition an assumption about the consideration of Taqiyyah by Shaikh Tusi [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 93-111]
  • Sigheh An Examination of the Validity of Temporary Marriage with the Intention of Being Mahram with a Third Person [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 126-151]
  • Sireh The Role of the Narrator's Question in Extracting Irtikazat, Sirehs and Its Effect in Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 184-217]
  • Social jurisprudence The Scope and Methodology of Social Jurisprudence [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 63-92]
  • Sodomy crime An Analytical-critical Study of Most Jurist's Viewpoints Regarding the Criteria of Iqab in Sodomy Crime [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 39-63]
  • Sources of Inference A Comparative Analysis of the Degree of Utilization of Reason in Jurisprudence before and after the Akhbaris (with emphasis on the views of Astrābādī and Baḥrānī) [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 199-229]
  • Space Debris Feasibility Study of Civil Liability in Losses of Space Debris [Volume 29, Issue 109, 2022, Pages 34-69]
  • Space Value A Jurisprudential Examination of the Government's Air Transit Contract [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 89-116]
  • Speech Acts Theory An Analytical Study Concerning the Nature of "Connotation" from the Grand Āyatullāh Borūjerdī's Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 31-54]
  • Standard Fatwā The Role of Justice in Legislation in Islāmic State [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 19-48]
  • Standard of wasting The Criterion and Standard of Wasting (Itlāf) [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 36-62]
  • Stoning Jurisprudential feasibility study of transition from corporal punishment [Volume 24, Issue 90, , Pages 39-70]
  • Subjectology An Introduction to the Use of Intellectual and Narrative Sciences in Jurisprudence in Knowing Prescribed Customary Subjects [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 183-211]
  • Subjects of jurisprudential rulings An Examination of the Features and Process of Subject Studies of Jurispru-dential Rulings [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 145-172]
  • Submissiveness A New Look on the Purport of the "No Way Principle"; and Examining Its Connection to the Principle of Justice in the International Relations [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 123-150]
  • Substitution of Presumption by the Certainty Testimony to Ownership Based Upon the Principle of Possession [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 57-82]
  • Succession in Transactions An Evaluation of Validity of the Transaction on the Platform of Information and Communication Technology With an Emphasis on the condition of succession in demand and acceptance [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 149-181]
  • Sunnī Juris-prudence (Sunnī Fiqh) Objections on the Establishment and Utilization of Breastfeeding Banks and the Correspondent Responses from Shī a and Sunnī Fiqh Perspective. [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 130-148]
  • Sunni Usul The Review of the Distinctions between the Jurisprudential Rule and the Rule of Usul in Imamiyyah and Sunni Usul [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 125-150]


  • Tafkhiz Crime An Analytical-critical Study of Most Jurist's Viewpoints Regarding the Criteria of Iqab in Sodomy Crime [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 39-63]
  • Tamkin A Study of the Historical Formation of New Corollaries in Shiite Advanced Jurisprudence [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 83-100]
  • Tanqih al-Manat A Jurisprudential Examination on the Possibility of Mother's Exemption from Qazf by Looking at the Generalization of Arguments [Volume 26, Issue 97, 2019, Pages 128-144]
  • Taqbil al-Yad (Kissing someone's hand) Permission or Sanctity of Kissing Someone's Hand from the Perspective of Jurisprudence of Islamic Religions [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 145-180]
  • Taqiyyah an assumption about the consideration of Taqiyyah by Shaikh Tusi [Volume 21, Issue 81, , Pages 93-111]
  • Taqrir An Examination of Jurisprudential Principle of Deceiving the Uninformed Person as Harram [Volume 26, Issue 99, 2019, Pages 101-126]
  • Tasks of Infallibles The Role of the Infallible in Determining the Subjects of Rulings [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 83-110]
  • Terminology Methodology of analyzing the words in the jurisprudential inference process: An algorithm or step-by-step method of finding the words` meaning in an evidence [Volume 23, Issue 88, , Pages 31-62]
  • Testimony as Evidence Testimony to Ownership Based Upon the Principle of Possession [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 57-82]
  • Testimony to Ownership Testimony to Ownership Based Upon the Principle of Possession [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 57-82]
  • Thaman A Comparative Study of Determination of Thaman in Iranian and Egyptian Civil Law with an Approach to Jurisprudential Documents [Volume 28, Issue 105, 2021, Pages 37-65]
  • The authority of loss The Authority of Loss Occurring in the Lease Contract [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 122-144]
  • The benefits of the tongue An Analysis of the Jurisprudential Principles of Diya in the Simultaneity of Speech Impairment and Cutting of a Part of the Tongue (a critique of Articles 611 and 613 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 7-34]
  • The criteria of subjectology An Analysis of the Causes of the Differences of Jurists’ Viewpoints in Jurisprudential Subjectology with an Emphasis on the Issue of Absence [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 87-120]
  • The Fitri apostasy An Investigation in the Sufficiency of Being Muslim for One of the Parents of Murtad Fitri [Volume 24, Issue 92, , Pages 31-50]
  • The Obligation to Bury A Jurisprudential Examination of the Permissibility of Making Medicine from the Amputated Body Organ of a Muslim Dead Body [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 182-211]
  • The permissibility of poetry An Analysis and Revision of the Arguments of Rulings Related to the Use of Poetry by Schools of Jurisprudence [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 121-151]
  • The permission to kiss Permission or Sanctity of Kissing Someone's Hand from the Perspective of Jurisprudence of Islamic Religions [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 145-180]
  • Therapeutic abortion Therapeutic Abortion: A Critical Examination into the Monopoly of the Mother's Satisfaction in the Absolute Abolition of Abortion Guarantees (A Critique and Proposal to the Legal Effect of the Father's Permission in the Single Article of Therapeutic Abortion) [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 224-248]
  • Thesaurus A New Pattern for Studying the Structure of Jurisprudence (Fiqh) [Volume 25, Issue 94, , Pages 7-32]
  • The subjectology of absence An Analysis of the Causes of the Differences of Jurists’ Viewpoints in Jurisprudential Subjectology with an Emphasis on the Issue of Absence [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 87-120]
  • Third Testimony The Jurisprudential Review of the Third Testimony in Azan And Iqamah, Fo-cusing on its Slogan Aspect [Volume 25, Issue 96, , Pages 149-172]
  • Tombs building An Examination of the Reason Studies of Specific Qur'anic Arguments and the Legitimacy of the Establishment of Holy Shrines [Volume 28, Issue 107, 2021, Pages 94-120]
  • Tooth retribution A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Documents of Article 412 of the Iranian Penal Code (Qisas for Broken Teeth) [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 189-213]
  • Towliat A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Scope of the Islamic Government Guardi-anship in the Nomination and Dismissal of the Guardian in Waqf Institution [Volume 28, Issue 106, 2021, Pages 7-32]
  • Transactional usury/riba An Examination of the Invalidity of Long-term Differential Contracts in the Case of Homogeneity and Non-measurability and Disproportionality of the Exchanged Items [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 7-42]
  • Transactions A Jurisprudential and Legal Examination of Transactions of Depressed People [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 118-156]
  • Transfer of demand A Re-examination of the Fate of Guarantees after Transfer of Obligation in Imamiyah Jurisprudence and Iranian Law With an Emphasis on articles 292 and 293 of the Civil Code [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 89-117]
  • Transformation Transformation of Tools to Solve the Problem of Imported Consuming Goods [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 90-113]
  • Types of objects An Examination of General and Specific Object and Its Function in Correcting Pre-sale Contracts of Buildings [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 39-67]
  • Types of topics An Introduction to the Use of Intellectual and Narrative Sciences in Jurisprudence in Knowing Prescribed Customary Subjects [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 183-211]


  • Uncertain Perception Murderer's Criminal Liability When Confessions Contradict [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 55-74]
  • Understanding of Reseaon A Comparative Analysis of the Degree of Utilization of Reason in Jurisprudence before and after the Akhbaris (with emphasis on the views of Astrābādī and Baḥrānī) [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 199-229]
  • Undesignated Ruling Authority of the Principle of Justice Regarding Designated and Undesignated Rulings [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 49-70]
  • Unjust Enrichment Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 7-18]
  • Unlawful Seizure of Property Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 7-18]
  • Useful Dogs A Jurisprudential Analysis of Keeping All Kinds of Dogs from the Perspective of Islamic Denominations [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 117-148]


  • Validity of fatwa Ijtihad and Consultative Ifta [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2019, Pages 116-142]
  • Verse of Moharebeh A Reflection on the Punishment Selection for the Crime of 'Moharebeh' from the Perspective of the Holy Qur’an [Volume 31, Issue 0, 2024, Pages 137-166]
  • Virtual sanctions Forbidding and Expanding the Principle of "Loss of Goods before Delivery" with the Approach of Buying in the Metaverse Space [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 40-69]
  • Voluntary anesthesia A Jurisprudential Analysis of Voluntary Anesthesia in Non-Necessary Cases [Volume 30, Issue 0, 2023, Pages 98-125]


  • Wahhabism An Examination and Critique of Theory of Compliance from Wahhabism Perspective [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2019, Pages 148-164]
  • Waqf An Examination of the Legitimacy of the Terminated Endowment and the Fate of the Endowed Property after the death of the Endowment Owners [Volume 28, Issue 107, 2021, Pages 121-149]
  • Wazirah An Analysis and Examination of Violation Cases in the Principle of Wizr [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2019, Pages 6-26]
  • Wilayat-e-Faqih An Examination of Jurist Guardianship in Issuing a Ruling to Prove the Crescent Sighting and Analyzing the Extent of the Ruling's Influence among the Accountable People [Volume 28, Issue 108, 2021, Pages 7-38]
  • Wilayat Faqih The Limits of Authorities of Valiyeh Faqih in General Awqaf (endowments) [Volume 26, Issue 100, 2019, Pages 55-78]
  • Wilayat Faqih A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Scope of the Islamic Government Guardi-anship in the Nomination and Dismissal of the Guardian in Waqf Institution [Volume 28, Issue 106, 2021, Pages 7-32]
  • Withdrawal A hesitation about the precept of changing intent of 'umrah tamatto` to hajje ifrād in women pilgrims [Volume 25, Issue 93, , Pages 149-166]
  • Withdrawal Effects and Rulings of Returning to the Property after Ignoring in Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 158-183]
  • Wizr An Analysis and Examination of Violation Cases in the Principle of Wizr [Volume 26, Issue 98, 2019, Pages 6-26]
  • Words Employment An Analytical Study Concerning the Nature of "Connotation" from the Grand Āyatullāh Borūjerdī's Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 31-54]