A Jurisprudential Examination of Security Deposits for Future Debts

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student in Private Law, Islamic Azad Razavi University, Mashhad Branch, Iran.

2 Ph.D. graduate in Private Law, Teacher at Islamic Seminary and University, Mashhad, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, Iran.


t is the existence of a right or at least the existence of a cause leading to a right. Based on this, providing security deposit for a debt that will arise in the future, such as a loan to be received in the future, is contentious, and renowned jurists do not accept this type of security deposit. The main issue is whether the view on the invalidity of providing security deposit for future debts is based on established and irrefutable evidence, or if there is room for questioning the validity of those arguments. Furthermore, considering the dependency of the security deposit on the debt, the existence of a debt is necessary for the creation of a security deposit. Studies indicate that there are two main perspectives in this regard: the first perspective confirms the invalidity of providing security deposit for future debts, while the second perspective adheres to the principle of security deposit for future debts and considers it valid. In civil law, there is also no explicit clarity on this issue. Judicial practice also does not accept security deposit for future debts by adhering to the opinions of most jurists. After critically examining the arguments and evidence, the research concluded, using a descriptive-analytical approach, that since the goal of law is to preserve social order and justice, it must align with contemporary social needs. Therefore, in the context of security deposit, considering their credibility, customary practices, and rationality, there is no justification for requiring proof of the debt. This issue falls under general principles and applications of contracts. Therefore, security deposit for future debts, where justified, is considered a valid principle in the legal system based on the mutual consent of the parties involved. Because individuals need security deposit for their transactions in their business relationships to ensure peace of mind. This not only maintains contractual balance and stability but also enhances investor confidence.


Main Subjects

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