The Effective Role of the Religious Ruling in the Inference of Social Rulings

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor at Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, Iran.


The subject of this paper is the study of the role of efficiency and inefficiency of the religious ruling as an inference. The criteria for the effectiveness of the religious ruling as a hypothesis, the ability of the religious ruling to provide its purposes, its adaptation to the purposes of other religious rulings and the purposes of Shari'a and the goals of religion, are all taken into account and the inefficiency of the religious ruling has been divided into absolute inefficiency (= general) and situational (= temporary). In this paper, the role of the effectiveness of the religious ruling in the inference of the religious ruling is examined in the context of issuing a narrative, resorting to the arguments, resolving the conflict, recognizing the dignity of the issuance, and recognizing the scope of the subject matter of the ruling. The research method in this paper, like the method of other issues of Usul Fiqh, is based on reason, rational and conventional arguments, and according to the principles of the Ahlulbayt School. The findings of the study are as follows: The absolute inefficiency can distort the validity of an argument, cause resorting to verbal argument, and limit the scope of the issue in the form of an interpretation of the reality of the argument. Situational inefficiency can be effective in resolving conflict and contributing to the recognition of the dignity of the hadith issuance, but it is not effective in proving the obligation related to the intention of legislator from the religious ruling on the subject of the ruling. Finally, the result of the study suggests that the exact explanation of the role of absolute or situational inefficiency of the religious ruling in the place of inference is far from excess.


* The Holy Quran.
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