Determination of Diya in Crimes Leading to Spinal Cord Injury

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher and lecturer in the field and university


Spinal cord is one of important body organs that sometimes are hurt or injured because of crime. Jurists in Islamic Penal Code consider the complete spinal cord injury as the cause of complete Diya. In addition to have consensus, they have referred to the principle of Diya for single and pair organs.
Through examination of jurisprudential texts as well as anatomy of human body in respect to subject studies, it seems the jurists' arguments, and especially resorting to principle of single and pair organs; Spinal cord cannot be considered a single organ in the body to have complete Diya in case of an injury.
The current paper in addition to examining the jurists' viewpoints on Diya of spinal cord injury and precise investigation of their arguments concludes that basically spinal cord injury does not include diya, but includes Arsh (compensation for injury). In addition, the Arsh in different cases will be different. Therefore, the Islamic Penal code must be changed and reformed.


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