An Examination of the Features and Process of Subject Studies of Jurispru-dential Rulings

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant profesoor at Quran and Hadith University and Scientific deputy of the Institute for subject studies of jurisprudential rulings.


In the process of subject studies, mainly two stages of semantics and instance finding have been considered. However, without going through some preliminary steps, the results of the thematic research cannot be hopefully achieved. This paper has dealt with the specific features of the foundations for conventional subject studies. In this study, the process of subject studies of jurisprudential rulings has been developed to six stages of typology, knowing the situation, knowing the title, semantic, knowing the criterion and instance finding. The stages of this process are in order. In the first stage of the study, which is determining the type of the subject, the typology of subjects in different aspects has been considered. Their relations with religious legislator, their relationships with Mukalafs (accountable people), their relations with other sciences, the type of their natures, their stability and versatility, the factors of their change, the person in charge of identifying them, their ease and difficulty, their history and background, and the literature and structure of the subjects. In addition to aforementioned items, this study has referred to the types that are effective in the foundations and the process of subject studies along with the applications of these divisions in identifying the different stages for subject studies.


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