A Critique and Analysis of the Viewpoint of Choice of Rad and Arsh in Option of Defect (Article 422 of the Civil Code)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Jurisprudence and principles of Islamic Law, Sistan and Baluchestan Uni-versity, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Iran.


In option of defect, most of the Imamiyah jurists believe that after the appearance of defect, the customer has the right to abolish and set arsh (compensation) at the same time. The Article 422 of Civil Code based on this viewpoint states that after the deal, if it becomes clear that the goods is defective, then the customer has the authority to take arsh or abolish the deal due to the defective goods. However, the study that has been carried out through descriptive-analytical shows that the arguments of this theory can be accepted. Therefore, using the general hadiths of "al-Nas Mosalatoun ala Amwalahom", "la Yahelo Mal Amro Moslem", "Adeloh la Zarar" as well as Jamil ibn Darraj's narrative and other arguments means lack of choice and the only way to receive arsh is related to the impossibility of Rad (abolition).


 * Holy Quran.
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