A Critique of the Generality of Civil Law 448 in Stipulation of Throwing Down the Waiver of Claimed Option of Inspection

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Fac-ulty of Theology, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Iran.

2 PhD in Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Sistan and Baluchestan Universi-ty, Iran.


According to Article 448 of the Civil Code, throwing down all or some of the options can be stipulated in the contract. At present, in most purchase and sale contracts, there is a stipulation for throwing down enough options, which has a legal validity according to the mentioned law. This is while the issue of the invalidation of the mentioned stipulation in the option of inspection among the Imamiyah jurists and legal experts has been raised for a long time. Sheikh Ansari, by proving the essential difference between the mentioned stipulation of the option of inspection and other options, has proved that the mentioned stipulation - where the identity of the sold item is the product of the description of the seller - requires a conflict in the obligations of the sale, and therefore based on this stipulation the contract can be invalidated. Therefore, considering the essential difference between the option of inspection and other options, the question arises that how can the generality of Article 448 of the Civil Code be justified? Based on the findings of this paper, which was written in a descriptive-analytical method, his argument can be confirmed, and therefore, the mentioned stipulation can be invalidated. However, it does not seem to invalidate the contract. Therefore, it is suggested that the legislator, by adding an amendment to the above article, exclude the option of inspection.


Main Subjects

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