Exceptions to Precaution in Tawasoli Rulings

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor and Head of Islamic Seminary of Qom, Iran.

2 Researcher at Ishraq Institute and Seminary student in level four of Islamic Seminary, Qom, Iran.

3 PhD Student in Contemporary Muslims Thought at Al-Mustafa University and Instructor at Al-Mustafa Virtual University, Qom, Iran.


Most jurists - in the field of ijtihad and taqlid - have considered the permission of precaution in pure Tawasoliat (the deals in which it does not include the intention of proximity to God) as an obvious matter and have ignored it and paid less attention to its aspects. However, when one pays attention to the scope of the Tawasoliat rulings, there are rulings in which the decree of the precautionary measure is not clear and is accompanied by an obstacle. These obstacles exclude these rulings from the scope of the precautionary measure in Tawasoliat. The major question of the study is to discover these exceptions of precaution in the tawasoli rulings. This paper, with the aim of explaining in detail the general ruling of the precautionary permission in tawasoliat, examines the most important exceptions of this ruling in jurisprudence by analyzing the qualitative historical content. The most important rulings that are excluded from the precautionary permission are in the two categories of intrinsic exceptions and incidental exceptions. The first category is the rulings that are not inherently cautious; such as the scientific, belief and cautious rulings in conflict. The second category includes some topics that are subject to caution and cannot be considered as permissible, such as harm, hardship, difficulty, and denial of religion, which in some cases in other certain circumstances there is no possibility of precaution.


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