The Governmental Jurisprudence Approach to Expiation of Deliberate Murder and Its Attainment Order from the Islamic Government after the Murderer's Retaliation or Death

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor at Al-Mustafa University


In Islamic jurisprudence, several issues about Expiation of deliberate murder have been taken into consideration. One of these issues that the past and late jurists agree or disagree on is invalidating the expiation in cases of murderer's retaliation or death. Each of these issues, which rely on some arguments, have been explained without considering the establishment or absence of establishment of Islamic government. The aim of this study is to find the better and effective issue in the time of establishment of religious government; the method is Ijtihadi and based on the analysis of the texts and viewpoints of the jurists. The study is organized based on this hypothesis that the viewpoints of the jurists against the invalidation of expiation with the murderer's death is superior to the most of the jurists' viewpoints and based on some arguments, the Islamic government is responsible for its attainment. One of the arguments is taking the financial expiation as being Hesbieh (which has a nature of punishment) and considering it as one of the financial resources of the Islamic government. The findings of the study suggest the necessity of attaining the expiation of the murderer's properties after his death and using it in religious specific advisable things by the heirs or Islamic government.


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