A Comprehensive Model for Jurisprudential Subject Studies in Novel Issues

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sciences Related to Jurisprudence, Research Center for Jurisprudence and Law, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, Iran.

2 Level Four of Seminary and Researcher, Center for Computer Game Knowledge, Qom, Iran.


The common model in jurisprudential subject studies is one-dimensional, using the method of describing and analyzing the inherent elements of the subject to discover the corresponding jurisprudential title. While this method is acceptable for identifying cases of specific jurisprudential titles, it is undeniable that the influence of other factors, such as the effects and consequences of the subject, is significant when dealing with new complex issues. As a result, limiting the analysis to the inherent elements of the subject leads to deficiencies in the subject studies process. Therefore, it is necessary to strive for a model that can present all dimensions affecting the application of jurisprudential titles to subjects, allowing for the discovery of the full range of jurisprudential issues and rulings related to the subject by considering all relevant aspects. The importance of the present research lies in its dependence on the mentioned model for jurisprudential inference in novel issues, highlighting the need to determine the duties of the nation and the government in dealing with new issues. The aim of the research is to empower jurisprudence in solving new issues, to pave the way for a comprehensive design of the system of issues, and to prevent weaknesses and deviations in deriving rulings for novel issues. This research is conducted using an analytical-descriptive method, utilizing transmitted and religious sources and the jurisprudential method of ijtihad. Its novelty lies in providing a comprehensive model for jurisprudential subject studies and a model for designing the system of issues for novel subjects. The result explains the limitation of the influential dimensions in jurisprudential rulings to three aspects: the inherent nature of the subject, the objectives of the actor, and the effects and consequences of the subject. Consequently, to determine the jurisprudential ruling on new subjects, the correspondence of relevant jurisprudential titles to all three aspects of the new subject must be examined, and the jurisprudential ruling for the new subject should be inferred based on the results.


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