A Jurisprudential Examination of Guarantee of Material Damage Related to the Counselor's Error in Non-benevolent Psychological Counseling

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Qur'an and Psychology, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran.

3 Master student of jurisprudence and basics of Islamic law, Qom University, Iran.


With the spread of psychological trauma as well as the complexities of daily life, the number of people referring to counselors and counseling centers has increased significantly, and this has provided the context for creating new interdisciplinary topics in jurisprudence and psychology, one of which is counseling in non- benevolent counseling. The present study aims to examine the guarantee of material damage related to the counselor's error in non-benevolent psychological counseling that has been done by an ijtihad method. The research findings indicate that first, although it does not have an independent title in the narrative and jurisprudential literature, the jurisprudential-psychological study of this issue is possible. Second, the criteria of the narrations of the expert, the doctor's guarantee, and the error of the jurist in the fatwa are the jurisprudential supports of the subject under study. Third, the error of the consultant will be a guarantee if it is the main cause of the damage and leads to material loss for the clients. Therefore, the consultant is considered a guarantor for the error that has caused material damage to his clients.


Main Subjects

* The Holy Qur'an
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