An Analytical Examination of the Legitimacy or Invalidity of Fasting for the Elderly in Cases of Hardship and Difficulty

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduate of Level 4, Qom Seminary and Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Graduate of Level 3, Qom Seminary and PhD student in Islamic Studies with a focus on Revolution, Faculty of Theology and Religions, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


One of the issues regarding fasting is the fasting of elderly individuals. Various scenarios have been proposed, including ability, inability, hardship, and difficulty. In the cases of hardship and difficulty, there are different opinions among jurists. This research undertakes a jurisprudential examination of these opinions and their evidences. Based on the research findings, if fasting involves hardship and difficulty, two scenarios are conceivable: First, if fasting entails harm, it is not permissible due to the rule of no harm (Qa'idat La Zarar), the Qur’anic verse, and the fundamental principle of the rule of no hardship. Second, if fasting does not entail harm, then two opinions among jurists are discussed in this scenario. Some jurists hold that this kind of fasting is valid (right), while others explicitly state that fasting is invalid (batil) and prohibited (haram). Both opinions have provided evidence to support their claims. Based on the research findings, the view that fasting is invalid (batil) and not permissible is prioritized. This study, using a descriptive-analytical method, examines the opinions of jurists and their evidences.


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