An Analysis of the Jurisprudential Principles of Diya in the Simultaneity of Speech Impairment and Cutting of a Part of the Tongue (a critique of Articles 611 and 613 of the Islamic Penal Code)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in jurisprudence and principles of Islamic law, Faculty of Theology, Qom University, Qom, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Jurisprudence, and principles of Islamic law, Faculty of Theology, Qom University, Qom, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence, and principles of Islamic law, Faculty of Theology, Qom University, Qom, Iran.


Speech is one of the benefits of tongue. In some cases, the crime of tongue is accompanied by a speech impairment. On the one hand, in Articles 611 and 613 of the Civil Code, the legislator has considered the unpronounceable letters in relation to all letters as the basis for determining the amount of diya (blood money) in the simultaneity of speech impairment and cutting of the tongue, according to most of jurists' viewpoints and in the last article, it is said that the diya is determined equal to multiple crimes. On the other hand, in Articles 545 and 546 of the Civil Code, in the subject of crime on its benefit and place, a higher diya has been set. The jurists' viewpoints differ in this regard, and in addition to the most of their perspectives, a small number of jurists considered the sum of the two diyas of speech and tongue as the criterion, and some believe that the maximum amount of diya of speech and tongue must be set. In addition, some have given the possibility that the criterion in determining the diya is the level of tongue that has been cut. The well-known viewpoint of the jurists and others is absolute in this regard, and in the fatwas, there is no distinction between a state in which there is a single and multiple criminals. The present paper, by evaluating the fatwas and their arguments, has achieved the innovation that the narrations under discussion have the weakness of a document or the shortcoming of arguments in the simultaneity of speech impairment and cutting of the tongue and the claimed consensus faces major and minor obstacles. Therefore, in order to determine the amount of diya in the simultaneity of speech impairment and cutting of a part of the tongue, the viewpoint about the maximum amount (of the diya of speech and tongue) in terms of practicing the arguments of diya of each speech impairment and cutting of the tongue was accepted and the criterion for the letters was considered to be all the letters of the language spoken by the victim.


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