The Jurisprudential and Legal Electronic Dissolution

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Law، Payam Noor University of Tehran، Iran.


One of the most important new phenomena of human life in living and contractual affairs, considering the speed of the world of exchanges, is the electronic contracts from conclusion to dissolution. Therefore, after concluding any contract, even with electronic means, factors may cause the contract to be dissolved. Now the question arises whether the parties in the contract can dissolve the contract by electronic means and with the consent of the parties? The purpose of this study is to examine the nature and scope of dissolution in electronic contracts and its validity conditions as well as to analyze the effects and rulings of the dissolution. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature. The method of collecting information is in the form of libraries, and the use of articles and books. One of the research findings is that dissolution is also possible in cyberspace and with electronic devices. Therefore, considering the silence of the e-commerce law, it can be concluded that by referring to the civil law, in most cases, the effects and rulings of traditional dissolution can be generalized to virtual contracts. However, price fluctuations in the market of goods and services should not be ignored. It is recommended that in case of disagreement between the parties in the contract regarding the effects of electronic dissolution, it is necessary to establish branches for dealing with electronic contracts.


Main Subjects

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