A hesitation about the precept of changing intent of 'umrah tamatto` to hajje ifrād in women pilgrims

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor of Quran and Hadith university


The following research has examined the precept of transforming intent of 'umreye tamatto` to hajje ifrād in regard with the women pilgrims  in carrying out  the religious duty of hajj and 'umra by reason of necessity of respecting condition of cleanliness. Similarly,  it has analyzed the jurists` opinions and their document in this respect. The findings of this paper which are done in the form of documentary and library method, are as follows: given that the condition of entering in Masjid Al-harām and performing the tawāf  is tahara, in order to abide by this condition,  the women can prevent menstruation by using medication, provided that it does not make them a considerable harm.  But in the event of the menstrual period, if the opportunity to perform the 'umrah and hajj acts is a short time, five jurisprudential opinions have been proposed and, according to the famous jurisprudents` view, the pilgrim ladies should change the intention of 'umrah tamatt` to Hajje ifrad. However an accuracy in two categories of the existing traditions in this respect, leads us to this result that the criterion of  the precept regarding a responsible lady`s duty who is in the  menstrual period, is the knowledge of possibility of acquiring cleanliness before the time of hajj ceremony and lack of knowledge: i.e.   if  the responsible lady knows that before realizing the hajj ceremony, acquiring tahara is not possible, she should change her intention to hajje ifrad; but if she has no knowledge connecting acquirement of tahara until that time, should stay on her intent of 'umrah tamatto and carry out her sa`y and taqsir. In this event, there is any opportunity after obtaining tahara, she should do the rest of 'umrah tamatto acts, and if the opportunity is short or tahara is not acquired, she should perform hajj acts and after that, she should do belated tawafe 'umra before tawafe hajj.


* قرآن کریم
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