An Analysis and Examination of Violation Cases in the Principle of Wizr

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor of the Research Center for Jurisprudence and Law at Islamic Science and Culture Academy.


The principle of Wizr (personal responsibility of offence) is one of the unwritten and clear principles that the four arguments, including the holy book of Quran, tradition, consensus and reason, have affirmed. According to this principle, imposing both criminal and legal penalties on the innocent is inappropriate. In addition, the innocent should not tolerate it. There have been some violations and exceptions for this principle including a mature woman in tolerating an unintentional killing, Walad al-Zina (The child born of rape) in tolerating other's sin,  the people around the criminal for his crime, Bayt al-mal (the public treasury) in others' crime and faults, wife being haram for the husband due to the sin or mistake of the husband's mother in law, or marriage of wife being haram for the husband due to the sin or mistake of the husband, transferring the rights of Allah and rights of people from duty of the victim to the killer, and deprivation of the club, players and fans due to some fans violation. However, these cases are all specially excluded from the principle due to the element of "upbraiding from oppression" which is considered valid in the principle of Wizr.


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