The Time of Validity of the Religion Equality of the Killer and the Victim for the Implementation of Qisas (Retribution); With an Emphasis on the Uncommon Viewpoint of Sahib al-Jawahir and the Islamic Penal Code

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Theology (Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law), Lecturer and Instructor at Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.


One of the conditions for implementing retribution (qisas) for murder, without which qisas will not be applied despite the occurrence of intentional murder, is the equality of religion between the killer and the victim. Based on this, a Muslim is not subjected to retribution (qisas) for killing various types of non-Muslims, but the reverse is possible. However, in many cases, we observe that the perpetrator injures the victim, and this injury leads to the victim's death. In the period between the injury and the resulting death, one of these two individuals changes their religion. The fundamental question now is whether "the time of the crime" or "the time of qisas" is a condition for the religion equality between the killer and the victim? Most jurists consider "the time of the crime" as the criterion and have advocated against qisas in such cases. However, some jurists like Sahib al-Jawahir consider "the time of qisas" as the condition. Based on this, the current article, using a descriptive-analytical method, argues that claiming equality at the time of injury without evidence is baseless, while discussing the unity of the disbelieving person and exploring arguments from both sides, aligning with Sahib al-Jawahir's stipulation of equality at the time of qisas. Furthermore, this research innovatively includes references to evidence based on the consideration of "the time of qisas" in other hypothetical cases, and presents discussions on another hypothesis that regards "the time of the crime," highlighting debates surrounding it. Finally, the position of the legislator regarding the aforementioned issue has been examined, and appropriate suggestions have been proposed to address legal gaps.


Main Subjects

* The Holy Qur’an.
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