The Jurisprudential-legal Examination of Turning Qisas Nafs into Diya in Case of Execution of a Murderer with the Title of Hadd

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought, Qom, Iran.


If the premeditated murderer, in addition to being sentenced to qisas (retaliation), has also been sentenced to death for hadd (punishments that under Islamic law are mandated and fixed by God), such as moharebeh (waging war against God), according to Article 133 of the Penal Code, qisas is prior to the execution of hadd, and the avengers of blood are asked to retaliate. However, if the avengers of blood refuse to demand the qisas immediately, the premeditated murderer will be executed as hadd. The problem of the current paper is whether in this case the qisas nafs (qisas for life) turns into diya (blood money) and is subject to death in Article 435 of the Penal Code or not. The law regarding the conversion of qisas nafs into diya is vague in this case, and this issue has not been specifically dealt with in jurisprudential books. In this paper, legal articles as well as jurisprudential views have been examined and a set of arguments and evidences have been used, which based on the hypothesis of this study, with the execution of the premeditated murderer, the issue of qisas is obviated and the conversion of qisas into diya also lacks valid legal evidence, and from a jurisprudential point of view, the view of not turning qisas into diya is stronger.


Main Subjects

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