A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated from Level Four of Islamic Seminary of Qom, professor of higher levels of Islamic seminary, Qom, Iran.

2 Professor of Philosophy at the Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought and Professor of Kharij Fiqh at Islamic Seminary, Qom, Iran.


One of the bank contracts is parallel and representation Je'aleh (Je'aleh is a promise of something of value given by a promissor in exchange for something of value given by a promisee), which is the loan that the bank provides to the customer to do something like home repair. What happens in between are two contracts of Je'aleh consecutively and sometimes it is attached to the contract of representation, the first one is called parallel Je'aleh and the second one is called representation Je'aleh. The main issue in these contracts is the problems that they face from the jurisprudential perspective. Both in terms of compliance with well-known rules of jurisprudence such as not realizing the customer's intention, taking wages before the action and receiving fines for late payment of installments, and also in terms of incompatibility with the dominant atmosphere of the Islamic economic system. The solution to these problems is for the bank to do what is considered practice in convention in the first contract. In this case, it does not matter to leave the job to the second agent, while giving power of representation to the first Ja'il (forger). In addition, the customer's explanation about the terms of the contract makes the intention come true. In relation to the received forgery difference, set the value of the act as the amount of forgery and remove some rules such as late payment penalty. This study is an applied jurisprudence and its method is library and ijtihad analysis, which criticizes and analyzes the problem at the same time.


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