The Compliance Evaluation of Cryptocurrency Mining with Je'aleh

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Imam Khomeini & Islamic Revolution Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD graduated in jurisprudence and private law, Shahid Motahari University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Master student of University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran.


Today, the occurrence of emerging phenomena in technology calls jurists to make a double effort in order to adapt them to jurisprudence issues and regularize them when encountering those issues. One of these technologies is the mining of "Cryptocurrency". Due to its basic similarity with "Je'aleh (a promise of something of value given by a promissor in exchange for something of value given by a promisee)", in this study, the compliance evaluation of cryptocurrency mining with the rules, pillars and conditions of je'aleh has been examined. Analytical studies show that the current general request issued by the cryptocurrency system designer can be considered "Ja'il (the promissor)" and it can be applied to general Je'aleh. In addition, the reward of mining cryptocurrency can be considered as "Jo'al", the solution and the purpose of rationality, and the miner as an "agent". The "action" in cryptocurrency mining is known and clear and is done through CPU, GPU and ASIC. The only problem of compliance evaluation is manifested in the qualification of possession of "Ja'il"; it is not possible to fulfill this condition due to the anonymity of "Satoshi Nakamoto" - the creator of cryptocurrency." Unless the customary impossibility of designing cryptocurrency by a lunatic and a child and the high cost of its design proves that the creator is not financially isolated. It should be noted that the compatibility of cryptocurrency mining with Ja'ala does not mean its legitimacy, but in this regard, there are still problems such as the taxation of cryptocurrency as well as the superficiality of their mining, which should be examined in other studies.


Main Subjects

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