A Critique of the Rational and Theoretical Arguments of the Obligation of Khums in the Price Increase Caused by the Abnormal Decrease in the Value of the National Currency

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Faculty of Theology, Shahid Mahalati Higher Education Complex, Qom, Iran.

2 Graduated from Level Three of Islamic Seminary, Al-Zahra University, Qom, Iran.


The decrease in the value of money and its consequences is one of the issues affecting the society, and the Imamiyah jurists have different viewpoints about the calculation of this issue in khums. This study, in a descriptive-analytical method and by examining the works of Imamiyah jurists, has counted the arguments of the obligation of Khums in the high price of market due to the decrease in the value of the national currency (in Iran), which include: The similitude of money and the lack of compensation for its devaluation, the usury of compensating for the devaluation of the currency, the inflation being beyond the will of the parties, the unfairness of the calculation of the fall in the value of the currency, the ignorance of the amount of devaluation, the impracticality and the contradiction in the arguments of the calculation of the devaluation of money in khums. In criticizing these arguments, the authors have considered it necessary to maintain the value and price of money, and considered it as usury to compensate for the decrease in the value of money, as contradicting the purposes of the Shari'ah regarding usury. They have not considered the will or unwillingness to be effective for the necessity of compensating the devaluation of the currency, and they believe that the custom also considers the compensation of the devaluation of the currency to be fair and just, and ignorance about the amount of devaluation of the currency can also be solved, because when there is an argument, it is not time to adhere to practical principles and the aforementioned narrative arguments can be justified. Therefore, the arguments stated on the obligation of Khums is not sufficient.


Main Subjects

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