Opposing Religious Brotherhood in Imamiyah Jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.

2 Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Faculty of Theology, Qom University, Qom, Iran.

3 PhD student, Department of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.


One of the important pillars of the theory of proximity of Islamic denominations is the belief in the religious brotherhood of Muslims. Some muhaddith and jurists of the Imamiyyah deny Islam and the opposite faith, because of the denial of guardianship, as one of the main principles of religion or one of the necessities of religion, they consider religious brotherhood as stable only for the followers of Najiya Sect. The present study, by using library studies and content analysis method, seeks to examine and verify the accuracy of the arguments presented by the owners of this view, because the jurisprudential explanation of religious brotherhood will be effective in the way of interaction and social lifestyle of Muslims. The findings of this study suggest that the majority of the arguments presented by the proponents of the denial of religious brotherhood with the opposition are either distorted in terms of the text and the document, and their application has been rejected by the Imamiyah jurists, or because of the special implication of the claim in question. As the majority of Imamiyyah jurists consider the religious brotherhood with the opposition to be established by proving Islam and different levels of faith.


Main Subjects

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* Nahj al-Balagha.
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