A Jurisprudential Study of the Guarantee Resulting from the Victim's Refusal of Treatment

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher and lecturer at Islamic seminary and university, Qom. Iran.


One of the most common crimes at the community level is strife and conflict, and consequently the bodily injuries that occur due to the conflict, and unfortunately in some cases lead to minor injuries and the death of the victim. In such cases where the victim refuses his or her treatment, there is a difference of opinion among the jurists about the person responsible and in charge of the murder, and most of the jurists have issued fatwas guaranteeing the life of the victim.This article studies all aspects and areas of the victim's refusal to seek treatment by examining the books of jurisprudence and the viewpoints of the jurists. These views and reasons are sometimes very different or contradictory. The final goal of this study is to clarify the aspects of this challenging issue in order to determine the exact guarantor in these cases and to pave the way for providing effective legislation to protect the rights of the criminal and the victim. This study deals with the most important theoretical issues that influence decision making on this topic. Finally, we conclude that the intentional refusal of the victim is due to different assumptions and each assumption must be examined separately in order to decide whether to guarantee it.


Main Subjects

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