An Examination of the Legitimacy of the Terminated Endowment and the Fate of the Endowed Property after the death of the Endowment Owners

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Director of Information and Document Organization Department, Re-search Center for Islamic Information and Document Management, Islamic Sciences and Culture, Qom, Iran.


The institution of waqf (endowment) is a God-pleasing deed, which for the waqif is considered as Baqiyat al-Salihat (ever-abiding good works), and for the Mawqufon Alayh (beneficiaries), it satisfies the needs. The Imamiyah jurists unanimously agree upon the validity of the waqf in a timeless form, but there is no consensus between them about the temporary waqf (in which time is specified) and the terminated (Munqati') waqf (which is terminated for the Mawqufon Alayh). The current study deals with the type of Munqati' waqf, which has two main pillars and Imamiyah jurists disagree on both of them. The legitimacy of the waqf and the fate of the endowed property after the death of the Mawqufon Alayh. The research findings show that there are two conflicting views on the legitimacy of the terminated waqf: validity and invalidity. Considering that the terminated waqf is not different in nature from the timeless waqf, the view of the validity of the waqf is approved and regarding the fate of the endowed property after the death of Mawqufon Alayh, despite the differences between views of the jurists, the continuation of its endowment in public works that are close to the motivation of the Waqif (endower) is subject to rational and narrative arguments. Therefore, the endowed property is not given to the waqif and Mawqufon Alayh's heirs.


Main Subjects

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