The Jurisprudential Criterion for Determining the Arsh of a Crime

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher of the Center for Jurisprudential Studies of Forensic Medicine and PhD student of Qom University.Qom, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Qom University. Qom, Iran.


In many cases, there is no quantitative diya (compensation paid to the heirs of a killed person or to somebody who is injured) for injuries to the body organs, and compensation must be determined by the courts. Today, the methods proposed by jurists to determine the arsh (compensation specified for offences relating to various kinds of hurt or injuries) are associated with failure. Methods such as enslavement and obtaining the difference between the price of a defective slave and a non-defective slave, to determine the arsh, which in addition to the impossibility of execution has other drawbacks. The Penal Code also includes cases in determining the arsh that cannot be proven according to religious evidence. It remains to be seen whether there is an applicable method for determining Arsh among jurisprudential sources. This current paper intends to present the jurisprudential criterion for determining the arsh through examining the available sources. The study of the mentioned sources indicates that in the existing narratives, the determination of arsh from the amount of diya has been left to the wise. Since the method of calculation is not considered by the Shari'a, in order to realize the rights of the victim, the ruler, with the help of two trusted experts, must calculate the crime from the amount of the organ's diya in the most accurate way that the rights of the victim can be exercised. Of course, with the advancement of science, more precise ways to determine the arsh may be found, which is closer to the principle of justice and fairness, in which case such a method should be the criterion for determining the arsh. The calculation is based on the quantitative diya of the organ and the level of injury in terms of length, width and depth of injury, or the amount of crime in terms of the organ disability, emphasizing that the other sides of crime such as the amount of recovery time and its effect on health are not considered in the amount of the arsh. As a result, the criterion for determining the arsh is the characteristics of the crime and the injury and the quantitative diya of the organ.


Main Subjects

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