Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property

Document Type : Original Article




Some experts hold that basically, "Unjust Enrichment" is transmitted from French Law into Iranian Civil Law; where, some other believes that it is another interpretation for the Islāmic principle: Unlawful Seizure of Property (Akl Al-māl Bil-Bātil). To equate "Unjust Enrichment" with "Unlawful Seizure of Property" in the Iranian Civil Law requests for a comparative study of these two statements. This study does not confirm a complete concord between "Unlawful Seizure of Property" in Islāmic law and "Unjust Enrichment" in other legal systems; rather we can witness some differences between the two. Therefore, we cannot acknowledge the impermissibility of "Unjust Enrichment" and "Causeless Enrichment" under the framework of Islāmic law.


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