The Guardian of Permission in Treatment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated and Associate Professor of Islamic Law Center of Qom

2 عضو هیئت علمی پژوهشگاه علوم و فرهنگ اسلامی


The term "Vali"(guardian) has received so much attention in jurisprudential resources. This term has many usages. In many cases, jurists disagree about the purpose of this term specially the medical liability. The question is who should give the permission of treatment to the health centers and physicians that if the patient is killed or injured due to the treatment, so that no responsibility is included for the curer. In this regard, there are different viewpoints among jurists: Some of them consider the permission of religious guardian, some of them the permission of heirs, and some of the other jurists see the permission of conventional guardians as a condition.
Among the existing viewpoints on this issue, the viewpoint of religious guardian is more popular. However, through examining the uses of the term "guardian" in Islamic jurisprudence and the existing evidence for the necessity of adopting the Acquittal to exempt the physician's liability, it is concluded that guardian means the conventional guardian. Therefore, any legal and natural person that is the guardian of the patient can be the guardian of the permission. Consequently, when the patient is exempted from the permission and there is no obstacles for that, the patient himself will be the guardian of the treatment; otherwise, the guardian of the patient will be the guardian of the treatment.


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