Effects and Rulings of Returning to the Property after Ignoring in Imamiyah Jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Kharij Fiqh Courses at Islamic Seminary, Qom, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Hazrat Masoumeh University, Qom, Iran.

3 PhD in Islamic jurisprudence, Qom, Iran.


Withdrawal from ignoring the property, which means cancelling the legal action performed based on the principle of freedom and the governance of the human will, is the right of every owner, and the religious legislator has recognized it with conditions. Because of exercising this right, the ownership of the ignored property will be again for its first owner. The main purpose of this paper is to answer what are the effects and rulings of ignoring the property. It is an answer that satisfies the society's expectations from Islamic jurisprudence for such disputes by resolving the disputes between the ignorer and the receiver of the property. Therefore, to achieve this goal, the paper was conducted in a descriptive-analytical method. The finding of this study based on the arguments is that it is permissible only in some of its forms to withdraw from ignoring the property as a unilateral legal act such as a contractual will. That is, this unilateral act is permissible and reversible only when no one has taken possession of the ignored property, but in case of seizure or possession by others, there will be no possibility of withdrawal of the first owner. The finding of this study is to solve some social conflicts when there is a difference between the first owner and the recipient of the property during the conflict of interests. . Another result is the clarification of the ruling on property ownership, which has been left undecided due to withdrawal from ignoring and has been removed from the economic cycle of the society.


Main Subjects

* The Holy Quran.
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