A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Nature of the Transaction in the Provision of Services Based on Information Technology

Document Type : Original Article


1 Student of Islamic Seminary in Level four, Qom, Iran.

2 Student of Islamic Seminary, Qom, Iran.


Providing services based on information technology is one of the ways that startups use for various information technology systems to infer and earn more income. In the past few years, earning money in this way has been greatly promoted, so that there is not a day that users of communication technologies do not encounter advertisements of this category of services. This study aims to determine the nature of these types of transactions. The question here is whether this mechanism is considered as one of the conventional transactions, or is it a novel transaction that should be followed by its jurisprudence ruling in general terms and applications. This study is authored based on library sources and analytical-descriptive method and rational data. The finding of the study suggest that after examining the concept of services in information technology and explaining how to earn money through it, the basic characteristics of this mechanism are obtained. These characteristics can be seen in only four cases of transactions (lease, peace, Je'aleh, and istifa), each of which has its own requirements. The analysis of each of these transactions and the possibility of correcting the discussed issue with them clearly shows that the provision of services on the basis of information technology can be considered as mute lease.


Main Subjects

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