An Examination of the Validity of Temporary Marriage with the Intention of Being Mahram with a Third Person

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Tehran University of Princi-ples of Religion, Tehran, Iran.


Temporary marriage with the intention of creating Mahramiat (In Islam, a mahram is a member of one's family with whom marriage would be considered haram; mahramiat is the state of being mahram) between one of the spouse and a third person has become common with the prevalence of adoption in Iran, especially among religious people. For this reason, this paper examines and investigates the validity and invalidity of this type of Mahramiat as a type of marriage, and the main question is whether it is possible to correct this type of marriage contract. For this purpose, through the library method, the views of jurists in this field and their arguments have been studied. During the study of the different viewpoints of Shiite jurists and their reasons in this regard, the validity of this type of Mahramiat has been faced serious challenges, because the spouses do not have a serious intention to get married. Although they intend to write a sigheh (marriage vows), "intention" is one of the components of any marriage contract. In addition, basically, such marriages have not been reported in the Shari'a tradition in the era of the Imams (as). Furthermore, the validity of this type of Mahramiat cannot be relied on general and absolute arguments for the validity of marriage, since there exists doubts in its being marriage.


 * Holy Quran.
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