Explaining the theory of "The Necessity of Timed Partnership" With an emphasis on Some Fatwas of Contemporary Jurists

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor. faculty member of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University

2 PhD student at Level four of Islamic Seminary of Qom.


According to the most of the jurists' belief and civil law, partnership, even with determining time is a permissible contract and each of the sides can annul the contract any time they want one-sided. This belief can cause problems in practice. Thus, researchers have found solutions for this problem including the necessary condition in other necessary contract or condition of time in other necessary contract. In the meantime, some of the contemporary jurists have come up with better solutions in the form of a new theory. The current paper tries to explain this theory. According to this theory, there are two types of partnerships: The partnership in which the time is determined and it is considered a necessary contract, and the partnership that is absolute and with determining the time which is considered a permissible contract and can be annulled. This study has been conducted by collecting data and information from written resources, computer websites, and scientific software through a descriptive-analytical method. In this paper, the accuracy and efficiency of this theory is proven after explaining the viewpoints and examining the arguments in detail.


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