Jurisprudence of Social Relations of the Holy Shrines (Problemology, legal personality and the difference between rulings in legitimate and illegitimate governments)

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, Iran.


In order to open the horizon to the foundation of the new Islamic jurisprudence of the social relations of the holy shrines, some articles are presented for the first time, in the framework of Imamiyyah jurisprudence. First, the jurisprudence of the social relations of the holy shrines, second, proving the legal personality of the holy shrines, and third, the statement of the difference in the jurisprudence of the social relations of the holy shrines in legitimate and illegitimate governments from the perspective of Imamiyyah jurisprudence. The finding of the paper in the first part is a new design of the structure of the fundamental issues and superstructure of the jurisprudence of the social relations of the holy shrines. In fundamental issues, the effect of the difference between legitimate and illegitimate governments, the impact of the difference in jurisprudential foundations of the legitimacy of government and the scope of governments' involvement in holy shrines, the relationship between the jurisprudence of holy shrines and the jurisprudence of endowments, the same relationship, with the titles of commemoration of rituals and the duty of enjoining good and forbidding evil as well as the jurisprudence of building holy shrines have been brought up. Then, 10 major and more important superstructure problems are explained to complete the structure of the issues. In the second part, the legal personality of holy shrines, within the framework of Imamiyyah jurisprudence, has been proven and its problems have been resolved. In the third part, it has been shown that the legitimate Islamic government, based on most of the jurists' theory, about the appointment of a Wali Faqih (religious guardian), has the holy shrines under its jurisdiction in terms of supervision and management. However, in illegitimate jurisprudential governments, holy shrines are independent institutions from governments.


Main Subjects

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