A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Scope of the Islamic Government Guardi-anship in the Nomination and Dismissal of the Guardian in Waqf Institution

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor, Department of Fiqh and Usul, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran.

2 M.A Graduated, Islamic Seminary of Qom, Iran.


One of the most important issues regarding waqf (endowment) is the scope of the Islamic government guardianship in nominating and dismissing the guardian. This problem has found a special place after the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the governance of the jurist for the affairs of the country, and since no comprehensive and integrated research has been conducted regarding this issue, the scope of the government intervention in the nomination and dismissal of the guardian of special and general awqaf (the plural form of waqf) is not that much clear. Sometimes a situation arises for the guardian that undoubtedly requires the intervention of the government such as in cases where the guardian does not have the necessary competence and the continuation of his guardianship over the Mawqufeh (the item that has been endowed) can ruin the interests of the mawqufeh and mawquf Alayhim (The person or people to whom the waqf is allocated). In these cases, a primitive confrontation can be imagined between the guardianship of the government and the guardian, and through a proper jurisprudential analysis, the guardianship of the government on the guardianship of Waqif (The person who endows the item) and the guardian is prior to the Mawqufeh. In the event of the death of the governor, the guardianship of her appointees in the position of the guardian of waqf is continuous until the living governor announces a dismissal. This study, through the library method and search in the above generalities and applications, seeks to clarify the limits of the guardianship and the governor's authority in determining, nominating, and dismissing a trustee in the waqf institution with or without dominating the waqif as well as the status of guardians appointed by the governor after his death.


Main Subjects

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