The What, Why and How of Medical Jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Qur'an and Politics, Director of the Department of Medical Jurisprudence, The Ju-risprudential Center for the Holy Imams.


The growing expansion of jurisprudence, the emergence of many new issues, meeting the current jurisprudential needs of society, planning for the balanced growth of jurisprudence in medical issues in order to systematize and improve the ability to respond and determine the duties of those responsible, has created the need to a specialized field under the title of medical jurisprudence, which should be dealt with through studying the basic and fundamental questions. One of the issues is, "can medical jurisprudence be considered as one of the fields of specialized jurisprudence?" Moreover, what is its place in the system of comprehensive jurisprudence? What steps should be taken to create and work on this specialized field? The present study, by taking a comprehensive look at the place of medical jurisprudence and explaining the necessity and criteria for specialization of jurisprudence, proves that medical jurisprudence has the necessary criteria to be formed as a specialized field. Therefore, this field needs to be compiled, taught, and studied step by step. In particular, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive training program in different educational levels, in such a way that the context of this field to present in Islamic seminaries and related universities be provided. In addition, writing textbooks, educational texts, and training capable professors in this field, is one of the most important requirements for the formation and development of this field.


Main Subjects

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