The Ruling of Shaking Hands with Female Non-Muslim Foreigners in the Arena of International Ceremonies

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor, Department of Fiqh and Usul, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran.


The ruling on shaking hands with female non-Muslim foreigners in the process of welcoming and escorting them in the arena of international, diplomatic, and non-diplomatic ceremonies is an issue that needs to be explored until finding a good answer, since no comprehensive and integrated research has been carried out on this field. Denying the handshake as a haram (forbidden) action by some thinkers in the field of jurisprudence, with the condition of lack of interest and pleasure, especially in international relations, considering doubt in its being haram to some scholars in the field of jurisprudence, and lack of the generality of the arguments as being haram about its ruling and topic, will double the need to question the ruling of shaking hand with female non-Muslim foreigners in the arena of common international ceremonies. In addition to the fact that some authors referred to some expediencies in the handshake and tried to crystallize the secondary title and resort to the secondary ruling of permission in the issue, the current study has been carried out with the aim of identifying the limits and boundaries of arguments for shaking hands with female non-Muslim foreigners, explaining the generality or non-generality of its ruling and subject in the process of international ceremonies, and analyzing the resort as a secondary "expediency" for permissibility of the handshake, if the first ruling as a haram action is accepted. Achieving this aim is possible by describing and analyzing jurisprudential propositions through collecting library data, the result of which is the explanation and analysis of the first and second rulings of shaking hands with female non-Muslim foreigners in the process of welcoming and escorting them in the arena of international ceremonies.


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