The Effect of Recovery on Reducing the Amount of Diya of Criminal Im-pairments in Jurisprudence and Islamic Penal Code of Iran; Gaps and Chal-lenges

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Faculty of Theolo-gy, University of Tehran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Shahrekord University, and Researcher, Office of Jurisprudential studies of Forensic Medicine.


The legislator of the Islamic Republic of Iran has considered the recovery of some of the impairments that occur because of crimes against the physical integrity of individuals to reduce the diya for those impairments. This view is the result of referring to some religious texts and jurisprudential fatwas. By examining the jurisprudential sources and articles of the Islamic Penal Code, it is possible to find many gaps and challenges in the field of the effect of recovery on reducing the amount of diya. In addition to the monopoly of impairments to specific cases such as fractures and the limited cases of impact on a particular organ, one of the most important gaps is that no clear features and components are provided to explain the concept of recovery and recognition of its types from each other. This major gap and challenge also exists in the Islamic Penal Code and has become one of its weaknesses. Besides, the legislator's use of vague interpretations in this regard has caused the Islamic Penal Code to face major problems. In this paper, with the aim of amending the articles of the Islamic Penal Code, an attempt is made to explain the viewpoints of jurists and legislators in a descriptive-analytical method, as well as to explain the existing challenges in this regard and finally to offer suggestions to solve them.


Main Subjects

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