An Evaluation of Precautionary Arguments with the Approach of Permitting Artificial Insemination in a Surrogate Uterus

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran.


Undoubtedly, the 20% number of infertile men and women in Iran, which is higher than the average infertility of other countries, is a social problem for the Islamic system. The depth of this problem becomes clearer when we take a brief look at its devastating harms, such as depression, frustration, and divorce. Fortunately, many communities have cured this problem with the help of advances in medical knowledge through artificial insemination in a surrogate uterus. This scientific solution has faced a religious obstacle in Islamic and Shiite societies. Many great jurists have issued fatwas on impermissibility, and the main reason for them is to adhere to the principle of precaution in all matters, including the rulings of vulvae. This paper intends to criticize the inclusion of this rule on artificial insemination in order to remove the religious obstacle of artificial insemination in the surrogate uterus. In this regard, after explaining the issue, the discussion of the background and arguments of the opponents, especially the precautionary principle, has been examined and criticized, and at the end, the arguments of the proponents have been presented and some problems have been answered. Finally, it was concluded that infertile couples could be treated by artificial insemination in a surrogate uterus, while avoiding side Haram practices.


Main Subjects

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