The Criteria for Appointment of a Non-mujtahid Judge Based on Secondary Titles of Expediency and Urgency

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Islamic Azad University, Ma-hallat, Iran.

2 Professor, Quran and Hadith University, Qom, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Farhangian University, Semnan, Iran.


Ijtihad is one of the most important conditions that jurists have set for the judge. This viewpoint is based on the first rulings. The question now is whether it is possible to decree according to permissibility of muqallid's (the person who performs taqlid) judgement, based on secondary titles such as urgency, fear, expediency, etc. The jurists disagree on this point. The majority of them seem to be right in the permissibility of the muqallid's judgment. This study has been carried out with the aim of recognizing the scope of this permissibility and its conditions and the duties of each jurist and the muqallid's judge, assuming the realization of secondary titles of urgency and expediency, through descriptive-analytical method in the field of jurisprudential thoughts and library date collection method. The finding suggests that the ruling should be in the circle of Shari'a, the most important should take precedence over the important, consultation should be used in recognizing secondary titles, and the muqallid should decree as a judge according to the fatwa of the appointed Mujtahid and Consult in judicial affairs. In addition, the ruler has duties in relation to a non-mujtahid judge; including creating a suitable context for his judgment, legitimizing the judgment of non-mujtahids and prioritizing the best to the better.


Main Subjects

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