The Role of the Narrator's Question in Extracting Irtikazat, Sirehs and Its Effect in Islamic Jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor at Khorasan Islamic Seminary, Mashhad, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.


One of the influential elements in jurisprudential inferences is Irtikazat (the points which can be focused on by the jurists, Usul scholars or narrators), which is widely used in subject studies, ruling studies, subject creation, extracting legal sirehs (lifestyles), and strengthening the implications of hadith. The jurists, especially the later ones, have been aware of this fact and have documented their inferences to the irtikazat in some cases. Usul scholars have also pointed out the truth of irtikazat and its effects in some cases. However, so far there has been no study on the sources of extracting irtikazat. This paper, via using a descriptive-analytical method, has tried to examine and find the origins of the documented irtikazat in Islamic jurisprudence, to deal with the role of the narrator's question in extracting irtikazat and the effect of these irtikazat in jurisprudential inferences. The findings of the study suggested that irtikazat are the neglected beliefs that if a person realizes and finds it, it reaches the stage of conscience. The Infallibles' handwriting (documents written by the Fourteen Infallibles) is sufficient for the validity of the questioner's irtikaz. The narrator's question is the most important source of extracting irtikazat. The emergence of Sharia hadiths is under the influence of irtikazat. The causes of the hadith as an irtikaz can be effective in identifying its argument. Sometimes, irtikaz can create subjects. irtikazat have the ability to express the behavior of the society in the age of the Infallibles and the sirehs of the legislators.


Main Subjects

* The Holy Quran
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