A Jurisprudential Examination of Writing an Electronic Sale without the Words of Demand and Acceptance

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge related to Jurisprudence, Research Center for Jurisprudence and Law, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy.


According to the jurists and based on the legal articles, in order to conclude a sale, writing a practical or verbal contract is necessary, and according to Article 340 of the Civil Code, the words and phrases of demand and acceptance must be clarified in the meaning of sale. However, in some cases of electronic sale, verbal or written demand and acceptance is not used and instead, the transfers are done without exchanging and only by selecting a part such as "Send to cart" or "Order registration" and sometimes by clicking on the picture. As a result, the validity and necessity of electronic sale without the occurrence of exchanging and without the usual demand and acceptance, is questioned and the prevalence of electronic sale has caused public demand and the need for a jurisprudential answer to this question. In order to answer the above question, and to prove the need for the composition of the sale without exchanging - using the jurisprudential method - this paper has examined the verbal arguments for demand and acceptance and based on the results of electronic data in electronic sale, it has been concluded that the need for jurisprudential arguments is the validity of the conclusion of sale with any customary implication, even non-verbal. Therefore, the contract of sale is concluded using electronic data - if they indicate the occurrence of the sale and Article 340 of the Civil Code needs to be amended and it should be noted that the demand and acceptance with any argument of the sale - both verbal and non-verbal - is sufficient.


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