The Jurisprudential Examination of the Phenomenon "Champerty" With a look at the Islamic Penal Code of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Jurisprudence and Islamic Principles, University of Sistan and Bluchestan

2 Professor at University of Sistan va Baluchestan, department of Fiqh and foundations of Islamic law,

3 Department of Jurisprudence and Islamic Law, Sistan and Baluchestan University


The assignment of checks and promissory notes as a debt document has provided the context for jobs such as Champerty. A Champertor buys the nominal amount of not received check and promissory note from the creditor for a lesser amount and collects the amount stated in the check and promissory note by using legal or illegal solutions. The balance of buying the amount of the check and promissory note with nominal price that is demanded by the champertor provides the context for conflict in Fatwas on this issue. The phenomenon of "champerty" is sometimes associated with the champertor's committing inappropriate behavior. This leads to digressing from the topic in explaining this phenomenon and increases the importance of conducting studies on this topic. In addition to examine the brought-up fatwas, this study evaluates whether the research on this phenomenon would be possible considering the distinction of champertor's deal from his selective methods in line with vindicating the religion. Therefore, with a careful look at the authority of the debtor to pay back all the debt, based on most of the jurists' perspective, in this case, lack of the current "borrowed usury and transactional usury" will empower this requirement. Furthermore, because the crime of this phenomenon has not been determined, the behavior of champertor would be merely liable to prosecution when he intends to commit some actions such as threat.


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