An Analysis of the Amount of Diya for the Incision of the Two Sides of Abdo-men Divesting of the title "Ja'efatain" (two sides of abdomens) in the incision of the abdomen in criminal law

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher at the Center for the Studies of Forensic Medicine. Qom, Iran .

2 Assistant Professor of Law, Ayatollah Boroujerdi University. Boroujerd, Iran.


The term "Ja'efeh" (an injury that the instrument such as knife is inserted into inside the body and it is equal to one-third of diya) is used for one of the injuries in criminal jurisprudence. According to Article 711 of the same law, the Islamic Penal Code has defined and stated the rulings of Ja'efeh injury. The last part of the article is as follows: "If the instrument enters from one side and exits from the other, it will be considered as two ja'efeh injuries." As can be seen from the explicit text of the article, whenever the instrument enters the abdomen on one side and gets out of the abdomen from the other side, as if it enters the abdomen and exits the waist, then two diya of ja'efeh will be required. This view of the legislator is based on one of the three views in criminal jurisprudence. The other two views are as follows: Some believe that in the mentioned injury, the diya will be a ja'efeh along with an arsh (compensation for injury) and another group of jurists believes that the aforementioned injury is not ja'efeh but a special injury with a diya of 433 dinars and a third of a dinar. The present paper criticizes and examines the existing arguments based on a descriptive-analytical method and seeks to prove the view that the diya for the injury is 433 dinars and one third of the dinars.


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