The Validation of the Fear of Difficulty in the Permission of Abortion Therapy

Document Type : Original Article


Researcher of Forensic Jurisprudence Studies Center and professor at Islamic Seminary of Qom, Qom, Iran.


The issue of "validation of the fear of difficulty as a way of difficulty as being Shar'ei (religiously legal)" is one of the issues that have resulted in important jurisprudential works. However, there is no detailed discussion about it in jurisprudential sources. One of the cases where this question is fundamentally raised today is the permissibility of abortion under the premise of fear of difficulty. The question that this paper tries to answer is whether the fear of difficulty is the fulfillment of the duty, and therefore abortion is permissible, or the flow of the rule necessarily requires the actual realization of difficulty and abortion is not permissible. The research method is analytical-critical and from library sources. The existing study shows that there are two views on the issue, and the supporters of each have various reliable reasons to prove their point of view. However, after examining and adjusting, for them, the reasons are that in the assumption of fear of difficulty, despite narrative and confirmative arguments for validity of the rule of difficulty in the assumption of fear, there are no reasons for its invalidity. Due to the existence of the principle of caution in the blood after the birth of the soul, there is no possibility of abortion in the assumption of fear of difficulty caused by the abnormality of the fetus, and caution should be taken but before the soul is released, despite the fear of the realization of difficulty, the rule of current difficulty and medical abortion is permissible.


Main Subjects

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