Keyword Index


  • Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code An Examination of the Arguments of Hadd of Murder for a Non-Muslim Man Due to Adultery with a Muslim Woman A Jurisprudential Critique of Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Article 713 of the Islamic Penal Code A Jurisprudential-legal Examination of Diya of Penetrating Injuries [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 152-175]


  • Belonging to khums A Jurisprudential Examination of Khums for Stock Exchange [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 34-62]


  • Consultant A Jurisprudential Examination of Guarantee of Material Damage Related to the Counselor's Error in Non-benevolent Psychological Counseling [Volume 29, Issue 109, 2022, Pages 136-168]
  • Continuity of marriage The Continuity of Matrimonial Bond in the Event of the Death of One of the Spouses: From Matrimonial Bond to Respect Bond [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 98-126]
  • Crimes against physical integrity A Jurisprudential-legal Examination of Diya of Penetrating Injuries [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 152-175]


  • Deeds of The Infallible The Role of the Deeds of The Infallible in Discovering the Ruling (The Superior Istizhar) [Volume 29, Issue 109, 2022, Pages 100-135]


  • Effects Effects and Rulings of Returning to the Property after Ignoring in Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 158-183]


  • Financial rights Inheritable Financial Rights in Imamiyah Jurisprudence and Iranian Law [Volume 29, Issue 109, 2022, Pages 169-198]


  • Guarantee A Jurisprudential Examination of Guarantee of Material Damage Related to the Counselor's Error in Non-benevolent Psychological Counseling [Volume 29, Issue 109, 2022, Pages 136-168]
  • Guarantee The Rule of Al-Idn Al- Shar'ei La Yunafi Al-Diman [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 40-71]
  • Guarantee A Re-examination of the Fate of Guarantees after Transfer of Obligation in Imamiyah Jurisprudence and Iranian Law With an Emphasis on articles 292 and 293 of the Civil Code [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 89-117]


  • Hardship and Difficulty The Validation of the Fear of Difficulty in the Permission of Abortion Therapy [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 72-97]
  • Housing Repair A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]


  • Inference The Role of the Narrator's Question in Extracting Irtikazat, Sirehs and Its Effect in Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 184-217]
  • Islamic jurisprudence The Role of the Narrator's Question in Extracting Irtikazat, Sirehs and Its Effect in Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 184-217]
  • Istifa A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Nature of the Transaction in the Provision of Services Based on Information Technology [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Iza' al-Mu'min An Examination and Critique of Makhtouba Proposal as Being Haram in Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 7-39]


  • Je'aleh A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Nature of the Transaction in the Provision of Services Based on Information Technology [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Je'aleh The Compliance Evaluation of Cryptocurrency Mining with Je'aleh [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 65-96]
  • Je'aleh A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]
  • Je'aleh loan A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]
  • Jo'al A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]
  • Jurisprudence of holy shrines Jurisprudence of Social Relations of the Holy Shrines (Problemology, legal personality and the difference between rulings in legitimate and illegitimate governments) [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 97-126]


  • Khums A Critique of the Rational and Theoretical Arguments of the Obligation of Khums in the Price Increase Caused by the Abnormal Decrease in the Value of the National Currency [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 127-151]


  • La zarar The Domain of the Obligation of the Husband to Divorce in the Fiqh of Islamic Denominations [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 185-214]
  • Liability Convention Feasibility Study of Civil Liability in Losses of Space Debris [Volume 29, Issue 109, 2022, Pages 34-69]


  • Makhtoubah An Examination and Critique of Makhtouba Proposal as Being Haram in Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 7-39]
  • Mining The Compliance Evaluation of Cryptocurrency Mining with Je'aleh [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 65-96]
  • Most jurists An Examination of Jurisprudential Challenges of Most Jurists' Viewpoint Regarding the Inauthenticity of Women as the Secondary Witness [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 63-88]
  • Muharabah (waging war against the Islamic state) The Opinion of Experts with Regard to the Amputation of a Paralyzed Hand in Case of Retaliation as Compared to Muharabah and Theft (with Emphasis on Sahib Javaher's Dissenting Viewpoint) [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 157-184]
  • Murder An Examination of the Arguments of Hadd of Murder for a Non-Muslim Man Due to Adultery with a Muslim Woman A Jurisprudential Critique of Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 7-33]


  • Narrator's question The Role of the Narrator's Question in Extracting Irtikazat, Sirehs and Its Effect in Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 184-217]
  • Non-Muslim adultery An Examination of the Arguments of Hadd of Murder for a Non-Muslim Man Due to Adultery with a Muslim Woman A Jurisprudential Critique of Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 7-33]


  • Opposite Faith Opposing Religious Brotherhood in Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 176-205]


  • Parallel Je'aleh A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]
  • Proposal An Examination and Critique of Makhtouba Proposal as Being Haram in Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 7-39]


  • Religious permission The Rule of Al-Idn Al- Shar'ei La Yunafi Al-Diman [Volume 29, Issue 110, 2022, Pages 40-71]
  • Representation Je'aleh A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]
  • Road Construction Loan A Jurisprudential Examination of the Parallel and Representative Je'aleh Contract in House Repair and Construction of Road and Building [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 127-157]


  • Services in information technology A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Nature of the Transaction in the Provision of Services Based on Information Technology [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Sireh The Role of the Narrator's Question in Extracting Irtikazat, Sirehs and Its Effect in Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 184-217]
  • Space Debris Feasibility Study of Civil Liability in Losses of Space Debris [Volume 29, Issue 109, 2022, Pages 34-69]


  • Transactions A Jurisprudential and Legal Examination of Transactions of Depressed People [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 118-156]
  • Transfer of demand A Re-examination of the Fate of Guarantees after Transfer of Obligation in Imamiyah Jurisprudence and Iranian Law With an Emphasis on articles 292 and 293 of the Civil Code [Volume 29, Issue 112, 2022, Pages 89-117]


  • Withdrawal Effects and Rulings of Returning to the Property after Ignoring in Imamiyah Jurisprudence [Volume 29, Issue 111, 2022, Pages 158-183]