Keyword Index


  • Abolition of option A Critique and Analysis of the Viewpoint of Choice of Rad and Arsh in Option of Defect (Article 422 of the Civil Code) [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 152-177]
  • Article 422 of the Civil Code A Critique and Analysis of the Viewpoint of Choice of Rad and Arsh in Option of Defect (Article 422 of the Civil Code) [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 152-177]
  • Articles 613 of the Islamic Civil Code An Analysis of the Jurisprudential Principles of Diya in the Simultaneity of Speech Impairment and Cutting of a Part of the Tongue (a critique of Articles 611 and 613 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 7-34]


  • Clear argument The Precedence of the Document over the Testimony with the Focus on Criti-cizing the Arguments of the Opponents [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 7-38]
  • Conditions of rahn A Critique of the Famous Viewpoint of Imamiyah Jurists and Civil Law on the Restrictive Conditions of Conclusion of Rahn [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 171-199]
  • Conflict The Theory of Conflict of Conditional Obligations in Legislation (A Theory in Legislation Based on Secondary Topics) [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 36-62]


  • Dhimmah Identify the Subject of the Contract in Customary Guarantee [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 137-164]
  • Diya An Analysis of the Amount of Diya for the Incision of the Two Sides of Abdo-men Divesting of the title "Ja'efatain" (two sides of abdomens) in the incision of the abdomen in criminal law [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 63-92]


  • Electronic contract A Jurisprudential Examination of Writing an Electronic Sale without the Words of Demand and Acceptance [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 35-62]
  • Equality of place An Examination of the Jurisprudential Documents on the Condition of Equal-ity of Place in Qisas of Tooth [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 39-59]
  • Exceptions to precaution Exceptions to Precaution in Tawasoli Rulings [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 93-125]
  • Expediency of obligation An Examination of the Position of "Expediency" in the Jurisprudence of Re-ligions with the Approach of Resolving Conflicting Interests in the Principle of Task [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 112-140]


  • Future generations A Jurisprudential and Legal Study of Justice as the Basis of the Rights of Fu-ture Generations [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 60-88]


  • Ha’id The Image of Presence of a Woman Next to the Muhtadar as Makruh [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 165-189]
  • Hesbiyah affairs.  Denying the Necessity of Maintaining the Political System with Its Legitimacy [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 93-121]


  • Imamiyah jurisprudence The Ruling of Shaking Hands with Female Non-Muslim Foreigners in the Arena of International Ceremonies [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 114-136]
  • Inefficiency The Effective Role of the Religious Ruling in the Inference of Social Rulings [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 7-35]
  • Islamic Penal Code An Analysis of the Amount of Diya for the Incision of the Two Sides of Abdo-men Divesting of the title "Ja'efatain" (two sides of abdomens) in the incision of the abdomen in criminal law [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 63-92]
  • Istihsan An Examination of the Position of "Expediency" in the Jurisprudence of Re-ligions with the Approach of Resolving Conflicting Interests in the Principle of Task [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 112-140]


  • Ja'efeh An Analysis of the Amount of Diya for the Incision of the Two Sides of Abdo-men Divesting of the title "Ja'efatain" (two sides of abdomens) in the incision of the abdomen in criminal law [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 63-92]
  • Junub The Image of Presence of a Woman Next to the Muhtadar as Makruh [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 165-189]


  • Lease contract The Authority of Loss Occurring in the Lease Contract [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 122-144]


  • Mahramiat An Examination of the Validity of Temporary Marriage with the Intention of Being Mahram with a Third Person [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 126-151]
  • Maintaining the system Denying the Necessity of Maintaining the Political System with Its Legitimacy [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 93-121]
  • Marhouneh property A Critique of the Famous Viewpoint of Imamiyah Jurists and Civil Law on the Restrictive Conditions of Conclusion of Rahn [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 171-199]
  • Mirdamad jurisprudence Jurisprudential Mutafaridat of Mirdamad [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 200-227]
  • Muhtadar The Image of Presence of a Woman Next to the Muhtadar as Makruh [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 165-189]
  • Mutafaradat of Mirdamad Jurisprudential Mutafaridat of Mirdamad [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 200-227]


  • One-third of the diya A Critique and Analysis of the Jurisprudential Principles of the Recent Sec-tion of Article 662 of the Islamic Penal Code on "the Diya of Penis of an Im-potent Person" [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 89-111]
  • Option of defect A Critique and Analysis of the Viewpoint of Choice of Rad and Arsh in Option of Defect (Article 422 of the Civil Code) [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 152-177]


  • Penal Code An Examination of the Jurisprudential Documents on the Condition of Equal-ity of Place in Qisas of Tooth [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 39-59]
  • Penal Code A Critique and Analysis of the Jurisprudential Principles of the Recent Sec-tion of Article 662 of the Islamic Penal Code on "the Diya of Penis of an Im-potent Person" [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 89-111]
  • Political System Denying the Necessity of Maintaining the Political System with Its Legitimacy [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 93-121]
  • Principle of intention The Principle of Intention and Its Scope [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 7-35]
  • Punishment of apostasy Punishment of Apostasy, Confrontation with Conspirators Against the Cohesion of Islamic Society or the Restriction of Freedom of Speech [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 181-209]


  • Qisas of teeth An Examination of the Jurisprudential Documents on the Condition of Equal-ity of Place in Qisas of Tooth [Volume 27, Issue 104, 2020, Pages 39-59]



  • Sigheh An Examination of the Validity of Temporary Marriage with the Intention of Being Mahram with a Third Person [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 126-151]
  • Social jurisprudence The Scope and Methodology of Social Jurisprudence [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 63-92]
  • Standard of wasting The Criterion and Standard of Wasting (Itlāf) [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 36-62]


  • Taqbil al-Yad (Kissing someone's hand) Permission or Sanctity of Kissing Someone's Hand from the Perspective of Jurisprudence of Islamic Religions [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 145-180]
  • The authority of loss The Authority of Loss Occurring in the Lease Contract [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 122-144]
  • The benefits of the tongue An Analysis of the Jurisprudential Principles of Diya in the Simultaneity of Speech Impairment and Cutting of a Part of the Tongue (a critique of Articles 611 and 613 of the Islamic Penal Code) [Volume 27, Issue 102, 2020, Pages 7-34]
  • The permission to kiss Permission or Sanctity of Kissing Someone's Hand from the Perspective of Jurisprudence of Islamic Religions [Volume 27, Issue 101, 2020, Pages 145-180]
  • Transformation Transformation of Tools to Solve the Problem of Imported Consuming Goods [Volume 27, Issue 103, 2020, Pages 90-113]