Keyword Index


  • Akl Al-māl Bil-Bātil Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 7-18]
  • Appropriateness of Rulings Congruity of rulings, nature, and primal genesis as a basis for Justice in Family Law [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 71-99]


  • Causeless Acquisition Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 7-18]
  • Causeless Enrichment Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 7-18]
  • Criterion of Law A Study on Justice as Philosophy of Qur’ānic Discourses (Aiming at the Role of Justice in Ijtihād) [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 100-122]


  • Designated Ruling Authority of the Principle of Justice Regarding Designated and Undesignated Rulings [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 49-70]
  • Drawing Lots The Proportion of the "Principle of Justice" to the Other Principles [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 151-172]


  • Fraud The Proportion of the "Principle of Justice" to the Other Principles [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 151-172]
  • French-Iranian Legal Systems Comparative Study Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 7-18]


  • Ghali Prohibition of backbiting the opponent of the Imami Shiite [Volume 23, Issue 88, , Pages 111-134]
  • Goal of Shariʿah A Study on Justice as Philosophy of Qur’ānic Discourses (Aiming at the Role of Justice in Ijtihād) [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 100-122]


  • Ijtehad (Islamic legal reasoning) Methodology of analyzing the words in the jurisprudential inference process: An algorithm or step-by-step method of finding the words` meaning in an evidence [Volume 23, Issue 88, , Pages 31-62]
  • Inequity Authority of the Principle of Justice Regarding Designated and Undesignated Rulings [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 49-70]
  • International Relations A New Look on the Purport of the "No Way Principle"; and Examining Its Connection to the Principle of Justice in the International Relations [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 123-150]
  • Islāmic Canon Law The Role of Justice in Legislation in Islāmic State [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 19-48]


  • Justice The Role of Justice in Legislation in Islāmic State [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 19-48]
  • Justice Authority of the Principle of Justice Regarding Designated and Undesignated Rulings [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 49-70]
  • Justice Congruity of rulings, nature, and primal genesis as a basis for Justice in Family Law [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 71-99]
  • Justice A Study on Justice as Philosophy of Qur’ānic Discourses (Aiming at the Role of Justice in Ijtihād) [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 100-122]
  • Justice A New Look on the Purport of the "No Way Principle"; and Examining Its Connection to the Principle of Justice in the International Relations [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 123-150]
  • Justice The Proportion of the "Principle of Justice" to the Other Principles [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 151-172]
  • Justice and Equity The Proportion of the "Principle of Justice" to the Other Principles [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 151-172]
  • Justice Principle A Study on Justice as Philosophy of Qur’ānic Discourses (Aiming at the Role of Justice in Ijtihād) [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 100-122]


  • Ka`ba Reviewing jurisprudential precept (hokm) of constructing the taller buildings than Ka`ba around it [Volume 23, Issue 88, , Pages 135-158]


  • Nasebi Prohibition of backbiting the opponent of the Imami Shiite [Volume 23, Issue 88, , Pages 111-134]
  • Nature and Primal Genesis Congruity of rulings, nature, and primal genesis as a basis for Justice in Family Law [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 71-99]
  • No Harm The Proportion of the "Principle of Justice" to the Other Principles [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 151-172]
  • Non-Devotional Laws A Study on Justice as Philosophy of Qur’ānic Discourses (Aiming at the Role of Justice in Ijtihād) [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 100-122]
  • No Way Principle A New Look on the Purport of the "No Way Principle"; and Examining Its Connection to the Principle of Justice in the International Relations [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 123-150]


  • Oppression The Role of Justice in Legislation in Islāmic State [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 19-48]


  • Philosophy of Law A Study on Justice as Philosophy of Qur’ānic Discourses (Aiming at the Role of Justice in Ijtihād) [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 100-122]
  • Principle of Justice Authority of the Principle of Justice Regarding Designated and Undesignated Rulings [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 49-70]


  • Standard Fatwā The Role of Justice in Legislation in Islāmic State [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 19-48]
  • Submissiveness A New Look on the Purport of the "No Way Principle"; and Examining Its Connection to the Principle of Justice in the International Relations [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 123-150]


  • Terminology Methodology of analyzing the words in the jurisprudential inference process: An algorithm or step-by-step method of finding the words` meaning in an evidence [Volume 23, Issue 88, , Pages 31-62]


  • Undesignated Ruling Authority of the Principle of Justice Regarding Designated and Undesignated Rulings [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 49-70]
  • Unjust Enrichment Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 7-18]
  • Unlawful Seizure of Property Unjust Enrichment in Iranian Legal System in Comparison to Unlawful Seizure of Property [Volume 23, Issue 87, , Pages 7-18]