Keyword Index


  • Authenticity A Research on the Intrinsic Authenticity of Certainty in Usūl al-Fiqh [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 103-130]
  • Ayatollah Brujerdi Ayatollah Borujerdi`s approach to the government foundation [Volume 22, Issue 84, , Pages 7-28]



  • Confess Murderer's Criminal Liability When Confessions Contradict [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 55-74]
  • Connotation An Analytical Study Concerning the Nature of "Connotation" from the Grand Āyatullāh Borūjerdī's Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 31-54]
  • Contract Period Juridical Fundamentals of Job Security from a Qur’ānic Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 157-188]
  • Counter-confess Murderer's Criminal Liability When Confessions Contradict [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 55-74]
  • Creditor The Nature of Retaliation [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 75-102]
  • Criminal responsibility A deliberation on transfusing contaminated blood in the Islamic Criminal Jurisprudence (Feqh) [Volume 22, Issue 85, , Pages 65-88]


  • Debtor The Nature of Retaliation [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 75-102]


  • E-Contracts Juridical Doubt-ology And Primitive Principle Regarding Electronic Contracts [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 7-30]
  • Essential A Research on the Intrinsic Authenticity of Certainty in Usūl al-Fiqh [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 103-130]
  • E-Trades Juridical Doubt-ology And Primitive Principle Regarding Electronic Contracts [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 7-30]
  • Expropriator The Nature of Retaliation [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 75-102]


  • Feyz Kashani Studying the impact of Sunni -Sufi ghena (prohibited music) on Feyz Kashani and Mohaqqeq Sabzevari [Volume 22, Issue 85, , Pages 143-166]


  • Ghazali Studying the impact of Sunni -Sufi ghena (prohibited music) on Feyz Kashani and Mohaqqeq Sabzevari [Volume 22, Issue 85, , Pages 143-166]
  • Guarantee A new view on the nature of guarantee contract in the light of concept and aim of its legalization [Volume 22, Issue 85, , Pages 37-64]


  • Incontrovertibility A Research on the Intrinsic Authenticity of Certainty in Usūl al-Fiqh [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 103-130]
  • Indication of Act An Analytical Study Concerning the Nature of "Connotation" from the Grand Āyatullāh Borūjerdī's Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 31-54]
  • Islamic governor Bringing an action versus the Islamic state and governor and jurisdiction of trial court over it [Volume 22, Issue 86, , Pages 7-32]
  • Islamic punishments code Application of Dar` rule in Hodud crimes [Volume 22, Issue 86, , Pages 93-112]
  • Islamic state Bringing an action versus the Islamic state and governor and jurisdiction of trial court over it [Volume 22, Issue 86, , Pages 7-32]


  • Job security Juridical Fundamentals of Job Security from a Qur’ānic Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 157-188]
  • Judgment Bringing an action versus the Islamic state and governor and jurisdiction of trial court over it [Volume 22, Issue 86, , Pages 7-32]
  • Juridical foundations Juridical Fundamentals of Job Security from a Qur’ānic Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 157-188]
  • Justifiability A Research on the Intrinsic Authenticity of Certainty in Usūl al-Fiqh [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 103-130]


  • Khoms Khoms (one fifth) of capital and companies` incomes [Volume 22, Issue 86, , Pages 63-92]


  • Mohaqqeq Sabzevari Studying the impact of Sunni -Sufi ghena (prohibited music) on Feyz Kashani and Mohaqqeq Sabzevari [Volume 22, Issue 85, , Pages 143-166]
  • Monetary exchanges Jurisprudential evaluating validity of conditions for cash sale in the monetary exchanges including currency and none - currency [Volume 22, Issue 86, , Pages 139-166]
  • Muslim and forbidden Studying and criticism:Considerable viewpoints on backbiting the opponent [Volume 22, Issue 85, , Pages 89-118]


  • Presentivity A Research on the Intrinsic Authenticity of Certainty in Usūl al-Fiqh [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 103-130]


  • Qur’ān Juridical Fundamentals of Job Security from a Qur’ānic Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 157-188]


  • Revealability A Research on the Intrinsic Authenticity of Certainty in Usūl al-Fiqh [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 103-130]


  • Speech Acts Theory An Analytical Study Concerning the Nature of "Connotation" from the Grand Āyatullāh Borūjerdī's Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 31-54]


  • Uncertain Perception Murderer's Criminal Liability When Confessions Contradict [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 55-74]


  • Words Employment An Analytical Study Concerning the Nature of "Connotation" from the Grand Āyatullāh Borūjerdī's Perspective [Volume 22, Issue 83, , Pages 31-54]