The Role of Different Types of Financial Payers in Computer Games as Being Gamble

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, Iran.

2 Level four of Islamic Seminary (PhD) and researcher of Computer Games Knowledge Center, Qom, Iran.


There are some types of computer games with in-game payments if one side of the game loses. The similarity of winning and losing in such games with the wins and losses of gambling has raised the question of whether they are a gamble and has been considered in jurisprudential research. However, due to the influence of the direction of payments and the types of payers in the games as being gamble, it is necessary to examine these payments in these directions. The role of payments' direction has been explored in a standalone paper entitled "Thematic Gambling in Post-Loss Payments in Computer Games". However, there is no independent study on the role of different types of payers, which explains the role of payers in such games, despite their diversity and differences in their nature and role in the games as being gamble. The current study seeks to respond to the important demands of Islamic game makers in providing jurisprudential criteria for the design of payers and respond to the demands of a large number of Muslims who use computer games in order to avoid gambling. The result of the present study, through a jurisprudential study of the types of payers and an analytical study of four types of payers is as follows: 1. both sides of the game 2. One side of the game 3. Third party 4. software. To determine whether the first type and some cases of the fourth type are gamble, a method of applying the elements of gambling to the types of payers in computer games can be used.


Main Subjects

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