An Investigation into the Condition of "Equality of Place" in Retaliation of Organ

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor at Meibod University, Yazd, Iran.

2 PhD student in jurisprudence and criminal law, Meibod University, Yazd, Iran.


One of the conditions stated for retaliation of organ is the equality in the place. Jurists and legal experts agree that with the organ existing in the place, we cannot retaliate another organ and even its kinds, but if there is a missing organ in the place, there is disagreement among jurists: Some jurists absolutely agree to pay the blood money and some others believe in retaliation of the similar organ in another place once there is a similar organ in another place, and some jurists believe in retaliation even if the people being retaliated are not the same gender. The present paper is a descriptive-analytic study of different viewpoints in this field and the result showed that in case of missing organ in the place - in the similar organ – the similar organ will be retaliated in another place, but in case of retaliation of different genders, once it is against the principle of similarity in retaliation, it is sufficient to rely on the ruling and It will be only the retaliation of the foot in the absence of the hand and the retaliation of the hand in the absence of the foot, which of course this viewpoint is a combination of the second and third viewpoints.


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