Standing up in front of others from the Viewpoint of Jurisprudence of Non-Verbal Communications

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Islamic Seminary & professor of higher levels of Qom Seminary.


Standing up in front of people at the beginning of the relationship to respect them is one of the types of non-verbal communications, which is used in many cultures around the world. This non-verbal behavior is also considered a type of behavioral model in the field of lifestyle. This behavior is performed in such cases in Muslims culture: to respect the visitors by the host, to respect the teachers in the classroom, and to respect the religion scholars at the time of entering the mosque and taking advice. Through this behavior, some messages can be transferred including expressing happiness due to the visit, expressing modesty and courtesy.  The question of the current study is that "What is the jurisprudential decree, considering the message of this type of communication?" This paper, first, has examined the evidence and proof of the hadiths related to this topic through an analytical method. Then, it has criticized the common jurisprudential thoughts. Finally, the findings suggested that standing up in the aforementioned cases at the beginning of the relationship is not haram if it includes the person's humiliation or the other person (the guest) arrogance.
In addition, it is considered Mustahabb in the cases of respecting the believer and expressing friendship, and if its avoidance causes offending or hurting the believer, then it is considered haram.


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